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Building With the Bee

We became Altrincham's 'building with the Bee' in December 2018 when we unveiled our very own Manchester Bee. Named 'Bee-bop-a-raver' by Manchester-based Artist, Caroline Daly, the design of the 5ft sculpture took inspiration from Manchester's hive of musical activity in the 1980s and 90s.

The Bee was located on Bridge Street in Manchester city centre as part of Summer 2018's Manchester Bee Trail before we secured 'Bee-bop-a-raver’ at the Bee in the City charity auction. All money raised went to the We Love MCR charity.

Having been unveiled as the Myerson Bee, it now takes pride of place on Barrington Road outside the Myerson office in Altrincham. The worker bee motivates Myerson employees and the local community, reminding us to regularly support the local environment whilst working with various charities throughout the year.

The Bee In The City Charity Auction

Over 100 bee sculptures were designed by various artists and featured in the Bee in the City Summer Trail. The Bee in the City trail captured the hearts of locals over three months of residency in Manchester between July – September 2018.

The 'one of a kind' bee sculptures were sold at the Auction, raising £1.1 million for the We Love MCR Charity.

The money raised by the Bee in the City, helped support We Love MCR Charity's Stronger Communities Fund, which provides grants of up to £2000 for initiatives that bring communities together to celebrate diversity and build stronger relationships, including supporting communities after the Manchester Arena attack 22nd May 2017.

The Myerson Bee