How to Agree Christmas Contact Arrangements

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Sarah Whitelegge - Senior Associate

3 minutes reading time

Christmas Contact

Christmas can be a stressful time for parents who have separated, particularly in the context of reaching an agreement in respect of who spends time with the children and when over the festive period.

It is important to remember that it is in a child’s best interest to have meaningful contact with both parents. Both parents should have the opportunity to see their children over the festive period, provided it is safe and practical to do so.  

Top Tips

It is beneficial for parents to reach an agreement together, but if you are struggling to reach an agreement, here are a few helpful tips to consider:

  • It is best to discuss the arrangements sooner rather than later;
  • Compromise is important. Consider an arrangement where you could alternate days each year;
  • Be flexible and consider if any of the usual arrangements will need to be varied over the Christmas period;
  • Listen to each other’s opinions and ideas;
  • Be respectful towards each other;
  • Do not involve the children in any parental conflict;
  • If the children are old enough, listen to their wishes and feelings;
  • Give each other reasonable notice of any plans or issues;
  • Any arrangements made should be those that are in the children’s best interests.


Sadly, it is not always achievable to reach an agreement without the involvement of a third party. Parents should consider engaging in mediation as this can often help them come to a resolution. Mediation is a process whereby an independent, professionally trained mediator works with both parents to reach an agreement. We have good relationships with local mediators who we can put you in touch with to provide you with helpful information and support. 

If parents still cannot reach an agreement with the assistance of mediators and/or solicitors, they will need to consider issuing an application to the court for a child arrangements order. Whilst this is the last resort, sometimes it cannot be avoided.

The family team at Myerson LLP are accredited members of Resolution. We are committed to promoting a constructive approach to family issues that considers the needs of the whole family.  

Contact Myerson Solicitors

If you have any more questions or would like more information, you can contact our Family Law Solicitors on:

0161 941 4000

Sarah Whitelegge's profile picture

Sarah Whitelegge

Senior Associate

Sarah has over 17 years of experience acting as a Family solicitor. Sarah has specialist expertise in complex children matters and has experience of dealing with applications for child arrangement orders, prohibited steps orders, and special guardianship orders.

About Sarah Whitelegge >