Myerson Solicitors Employment Law Autumn Update

2 minutes watch time

Are you a business owner, director or HR professional?

It is vital business owners and HR professionals are kept up to date with the latest Employment laws and HR developments. Preparing you to quickly respond to the HR and legal issues arising as employees’ transition back to workplaces.

With Government updates and changes to be aware of, the Myerson Employment Team bring you their employment law annual update. Recorded on Thursday 21st October.

What did the webinar cover?

Our expert employment lawyers took us through their Top 10 Employment Topics, including:

  1. Vaccination Issues for Employers
  2. Fire and re-hire tactics
  3. National minimum wage
  4. Pay gap reporting
  5. Family leave and pay
  6. Flexible working
  7. Sexual harassment in the workplace
  8. Domestic abuse
  9. Menopause discrimination
  10. Workplace dress codes

The team help employers answer common questions such as:

  • What must employers do to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace?
  • What to do about employees refusing to attend work or vaccination?
  • Are fire and re-hire tactics lawful?
  • What are the implications of workplace dress codes?
  • Are you paying the National Minimum Wage correctly?
  • And more…
Watch a replay of the webinar below

Myerson Solicitors Employment Law Autumn Update

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0161 941 4000