How much does a divorce cost?


Although the divorce process is relatively simple to navigate, it can be an expensive process. In order to avoid increasing tension, it is sensible to agree the basis for the divorce while also agreeing who will pay for the divorce before proceedings are issued. 

At Myerson, we charge £600 plus VAT in addition to the court fee of £550. 

This does not include the cost of resolving issues surrounding the children or finances. 

If you are unable to afford the court fee, you may be eligible to apply for fees exemption. To ascertain whether you are eligible for fees exemption, please refer to 

As a petitioner in relation to an adultery or unreasonable behaviour divorce, the petitioner is entitled to claim the costs of the divorce from the respondent. 

It is best practice to negotiate payment of costs before issuing divorce proceedings.  Often, costs can be negotiated upon the basis that: 

  • The petitioner bears the costs provided that the respondent agrees to allow the divorce to proceed upon an undefended basis
  • The respondent agrees to pay a contribution towards the petitioner’s costs
  • The respondent agrees to pay the court fee of £550 

At Myerson, our family team are all members of Resolution, an organisation of family lawyers committed to resolving disputes as sensitively and non-confrontationally as possible. 

Here to Help

If you have any questions or if you would like some further information, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Family Team on 0161 941 4000 or email the Family Law Team.