A commercial property lease is often a full repairing and insuring lease (an “FRI lease”), meaning the tenant takes on the full costs of repairing and insuring the whole property, including the structural parts – such as the foundations, walls and roof.
Other leases are “internal repair only”, where the tenant is only obliged to look after the internal parts of the property, such as the floor, wall and ceiling surfaces.
Regardless of whether the lease is FRI or Internal-Repair, the repairing obligations can place a considerable financial burden on tenants.
It is important that the tenant is clear about the extent of the property they will be required to repair and which elements of repair they will be responsible for, either directly or by reimbursing the landlord via a service charge.
The repairing obligations in a lease typically require a tenant to put and keep the property in a good and substantial state of repair and condition.
This can mean putting the premises into a better state of repair and condition than when the tenant first takes occupation.
This can be particularly onerous, especially when the property is in a poor state of repair, to begin with.
It is, therefore, important to ensure you properly assess the current state and condition of a property and check what your repairing liabilities are going to be before committing to a commercial lease.
If a tenant fails to comply with their repairing covenant, they could be looking at significant dilapidation payments when the lease ends.
One way to mitigate this is to agree that the repairing obligations in the lease will be by reference to a schedule of condition.