Understanding the Link Between Perimenopause and Divorce

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Guest Author Becca Scott (Divorce Coach and Wellness Expert), Jessica Thwaites (Trainee Solicitor)

Article reviewed by Sarah Whitelegge.
4 minutes reading time

Understanding the Link Between Perimenopause and Divorce

Divorce is a significant life-altering event, just like menopause (the last menstrual period to take place and perimenopause, the time of fluctuating periods before this), since all can have profound impacts on a person’s emotional, physical and psychological well-being. 

As our society becomes more informed about the effects of perimenopause symptoms on women, it has become evident that there is, in fact, a strong connection between the menopause transition and the breakdown of relationships.

Our Family Lawyer, Sarah Whitelegge, and Divorce Coach, Becca Scott, explore this connection and the impact menopause can have on women's relationships, finances, and well-being.

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What is the impact of menopause on marriage?

For a woman going through perimenopause, the physical, mental and emotional symptoms can be overwhelming.

It can be a particularly challenging period in her life, and the period of hormonal imbalance can often result in a woman feeling as though she has lost control of her own body and emotions. Some women describe it as feeling as if they are a stroppy, raging teenager again, but this time sweaty and with brain fog.

Symptoms can last for up to around 10 years either side of the last period and the profound body shifts and changes can often cause a woman to struggle with her identity during the menopause, question her physical appearance, health and even her role in the relationship.

It can be tough for a woman to accept these feelings, let alone convey them to a partner.

Couple this with children leaving home and ageing parents, and many couples can drift apart during this time.

With common symptoms being hot flushes, joint pain, as well as feelings of anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability and decreased libido, this can inevitably put a strain on the marriage.

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The correlation between menopause and divorce

Whilst the perimenopause itself doesn’t directly cause divorce, it can certainly magnify underlying issues within the marriage, making it a very challenging period for couples.

A recent 2022 survey conducted by The Family Law Menopause Project and Newson Health Research and Education showed that 7 in 10 women (73%) blamed menopause symptoms for the breakdown of their marriage.

And 67% of those who took part claimed it led to a significant increase in arguments and instances of domestic abuse.

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The correlation between menopause and divorce

How will menopause affect my financial settlement in my divorce?

One of the key considerations of any divorce is the financial settlement.

The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 sets out the statutory factors which the court must consider, when determining what kind of financial settlement would be appropriate.

Although menopause and biology do not appear as factors to be considered by the court, the following factors are particularly relevant in cases of divorce during the menopause period, including:

  • The income or earning capacity that the parties have, or are likely to have in the foreseeable future
  • The age of the parties
  • Any physical or mental disability of either of the parties

Spousal periodical payments

As a consequence of menopause related health issues, women may be forced to reduce their working hours or leave their employment altogether. It is therefore important to consider the direct impact this will have on any earning capacity and what this could mean for their entitlement to spousal support. 

Division of assets

As women are typically getting divorced at a later age, it is important to consider an equitable division of assets to ensure long term financial stability.  This is especially the case if a woman stops working during perimenopause, since there could be significant challenges around re-entering the workforce in later life.

Pension sharing

Many women may have limited retirement savings of their own, due to focusing on raising their children or supporting their husband’s career in earlier life. It is therefore important to assess what financial security they have and how this can be divided, especially where retirement approaches.

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How will menopause affect my financial settlement in my divorce

How can I effectively manage menopause and divorce?

Coping with both menopause and divorce simultaneously can be particularly overwhelming. However, there are different strategies that can help navigate this difficult period.

Seek professional support

We would recommend seeking professional support from a solicitor to assist you with the legalities of divorce and to assist you with getting the best outcome at the conclusion of the matter.  It is crucial that a solicitor understands specifically the complexity of menopause and its potential impact on you.

At the same time, it is equally important to seek professional support from a divorce coach, counsellor or therapist, as they will assist with processing the emotions tied to both divorce and menopause.

Often, professionals will work together as an integrated team to give you the most effective and well-rounded support. 


Becca Scott, an accredited divorce coach and wellness expert with 25 years of experience, says stress has a huge impact on our hormones.  

The adrenal glands take over the production of oestrogen as we age.  If the adrenal glands are focused on producing stress hormones like adrenaline or cortisol, then they are not producing oestrogen, further exacerbating peri-menopause and post-menopausal symptoms.  

It is, therefore, crucial to focus on reducing that stress as much as possible.  Think about what you could do that brings you joy and reduces stress. 

This might be yoga, having a bath with Epsom salts or essential oils, finding a new hobby, walking in nature, regular reflexology or massage – anything that carves out time for you and helps you breathe and stay grounded in what will be one of the most stressful events of your life. (Often, people ignore their own needs during this time. 

Talking with a divorce coach can help you determine exactly what you need and how to do it.

Find Out More

How can I effectively manage menopause and divorce

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Guest Author

Becca Scott

Divorce Coach and Wellness Expert

Becca Scott is an accredited divorce coach and wellness therapist with a special interest in Women’s Health, especially related to hormone, autoimmune and vulva-vaginal issues. Becca regularly runs Positive Menopause workshops and retreats where she shares evidence-based solutions to menopause symptoms alongside or instead of HRT.

Find out more information at Healing Space and book your free discovery call to find out how Becca’s integrated approach to managing divorce and peri-menopause symptoms can support you.

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