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Defamation and Reputation Management Advice

At Myerson, we understand the importance of reputation management whether you are a private individual, company or other organisation.

We have a team of experienced lawyers who can take urgent, decisive steps to protect your reputation from defamation.

We offer expert advice on:

  • Defamation for claimants and defendants
  • Malicious falsehood claims
  • Breach of confidence
  • Misuse of private information
  • Harassment
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights

We recognise the significant role that social media plays in business and digital marketing. For example, many businesses choose to promote their services on customer review websites encouraging bespoke feedback and shared experiences from customers. Whilst social media is a powerful online marketing tool it can be used as a platform for damaging and malicious content to be posted for the entire world to see.

Our lawyers react quickly to intervene where a client’s reputation is at risk. Such action taken by us will normally include writing to the author(s) of the publication complained of and requiring the immediate and permanent take-down of the defamatory material and an express assurance from the author(s) not to upload or post any further defamatory material.

If necessary, we can seek injunctive relief from the courts to mitigate the impact of defamation and to seek damages and costs where appropriate. 

Recent examples of defamation cases we have been involved in include:

  • Representing a tech entrepreneur in defending allegations of defamatory posts which he published on various social media platforms.
  • Securing the takedown of defamatory material posted about a business on a popular review website by a disgruntled customer.
  • Acting for a skincare company in defamation proceedings which are being brought against another beauty company in relation to untrue allegations made on Instagram. 

Why Work With Our Dispute Resolution Team

  • For the past seven years, the Legal 500 has rated us as a Top Tier legal firm. 
  • You will get access to more than 9 dispute resolution professionals from the Myerson Dispute Resolution Group, who will assist you with , shareholder, and partnership disputes, professional negligence, commercial agency and more.
  • You will obtain city-quality dispute resolution legal help at regional pricing. 
  • We offer a partner-led service to make sure you get the greatest legal counsel and support with a focus on business.
  • Our large and experienced team can work quickly to fulfil your deadlines.
  • We recognise that each transaction is unique to your specific circumstances and that you require the assistance of a dispute resolution solicitor who has dealt with a wide range of clients and types of work.
  • We are a full-service law company with a single location, which ensures our employees interact effectively and efficiently.
  • We employ the most recent technology to make sure that we are operating as effectively as possible and that a client's location is not a barrier to us providing outstanding customer service.
  • All of our clients receive free newsletters and webinars that keep them informed about dispute resolution legal developments. View our most recent webinar on dispute resolution updates here.
  • Check out the Myerson Promise for more information on the benefits of working with us. 

Contact Our Dispute Resolution Solicitors


Our Dispute Resolution Solicitors are happy to discuss your situation in a no-obligation and free consultation by telephone.

We also offer different funding arrangements to suit your individual needs. Conditional fee agreements or “No win, no fee” arrangements may be available, as may insurance policies or third-party funding.

At Myerson, our litigation funding team will provide guidance in handling the financial risk that comes with litigation and directing any of those costs off your credit sheet.

We understand the costs that come with litigation, which is why we act with integrity. We will only provide funding as an option if it is in your best interests. We can advise you on whether your claim is suitable for litigation funding.

Find out more about the different litigation funding options that may be available to you.

Visit Our Funding Page

Our Approach

Myerson are a leading commercial firm, which is renowned for its work in resolving disputes. Our dispute resolution team is ranked as “Top Tier” by the Legal 500 who describe us as ‘dynamic, positive, forward-thinking, effective and tenacious’, ‘very client-friendly’ and who give ‘sound and sensible legal advice’. The Legal 500 highlight the department for its work in shareholder disputes.

The disputes team contains 15 solicitors and is headed by Adam Maher whom the Legal 500 rate as a “Leading individual” and ‘first-class litigator’ with ‘razor-sharp commercial judgement, tenacity and excellent communication skills’; who ‘quickly identifies the core issues’ and is ‘extremely robust under pressure.'

The litigation experts at Myerson are happy to discuss your situation in a no-obligation telephone call to assess your claim, give preliminary advice and suggest a way forward.


Meet Our Specialists

Home-grown or recruited from national, regional or City firms. Our specialists are experts in their fields and respected by their peers.


Robert Brothers

Robert is a Senior Associate in our Dispute Resolution Team

Contact Our Experts

You can contact our lawyers below if you have any more questions or want more information:

0161 941 4000