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Our Injunction Service

In simple terms, an injunction is a Court order that requires a party either to do something or not do something and it can take many forms and in varying circumstances. An application for injunctive relief may be necessary for a number of reasons, including preservation of assets, prevent loss or damage to reputation, or protecting a party’s confidential information.

Whether you are seeking an injunction or potentially on the receiving end of an injunction requires careful navigation and proper advice from the outset.

The grant of an injunction is a matter for the court’s discretion to determine if it is just and convenient to do so.

If an injunction is granted against you, this may cause serious difficulties for you or your business.

Injunction applications, by their very nature, must be dealt with swiftly and require specialist knowledge of the law and court procedures. Our commercial litigation team is experienced in making and defending applications for injunctions and in recognising when an application for an injunction is needed.

We will assess your claim, give you preliminary advice and suggest a way forward. We can also consider funding solutions, where available, to assist you with the costs of litigation.

If you are threatened with an injunction to restrain your activities, require assistance in obtaining injunctive relief or if you simply need advice in relation to your position, please get in touch with one of our specialist injunction solicitors.

If you require a domestic violence injunction or an emergency financial injunction in relation to a family issue we are also here to help.

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Our Injunction Approach

We recognise that injunction proceedings can be very stressful for all parties. They are often required urgently and necessitate a lot of work to be completed within a  limited period of time.

Likewise, when applying for injunctive relief, this can be a worrying time for clients who are desperately attempting to protect their business or assets.

We aim to provide our clients with support throughout the process, whilst working closely alongside third parties such as barristers to assist our clients in getting the right information and advice.

The Dispute Resolution experts at Myerson are happy to discuss your situation in a no-obligation telephone call to assess your claim, give preliminary advice and suggest a way forward.

Myerson is a leading commercial law firm, and our commercial litigation solicitors are ranked as “Top Tier” by The Legal 500 who describe us as ‘dynamic, positive, forward-thinking, effective and tenacious’, ‘very client-friendly' and who give ‘sound and sensible legal advice’.

How Our Injunction Solicitors Can Help

Our solicitors have specialist experience of all types of injunctions, advising clients in the following areas:

Restrictive Covenants

Restrictive Covenants are essentially contractual promises not to act in a particular way and they commonly arise in a variety of commercial arrangements, for example, in business sales and in employment contracts.

Effective enforcement of restrictive covenants is typically by way of an injunction application – an urgent application for a Court Order that the restriction must be observed.

We work closely with our Employment Law team in relation to the enforcement of post-employment restrictive covenants and the protection of confidential information. 

Freezing Orders

A freezing order prevents a party from disposing of or dealing with assets. To persuade the Court to grant a freezing order, the applicant needs to show that it has an underlying right; that it has a good arguable case and, importantly, there is a real risk of dissipation of the respondent’s assets if the order is not made. A freezing order does not entitle the applicant to any form of security over the assets but may make enforcement of a judgment easier at a later date and so it can represent a valuable tool in the arson for any potential litigant.

Misuse of Confidential Information

One of the most valuable assets of a business is the information it keeps. That information can take a variety of forms, for example, a secret formula, a manufacturing method or a list of customers and suppliers. Where this information is confidential in nature, it may be protected by the law of confidence.  If this information gets into the hands of a competitor it could be very damaging.  One of the remedies available in the misuse of confidential information claims is an injunction preventing a respondent from using that information and/or an injunction ordering the respondent to deliver up and/or destroy the confidential information.

We work closely with our intellectual property team in relation to the misuse of confidential information.

Search Orders

A search order (also known as a search and seizure order or an Anton pillar order) is a court order that requires the respondent to allow the applicant’s solicitors to enter the respondent’s premises to search for, copy, remove or detain documents, information or material. Together with what is known as imaging orders, search orders represent a very useful tool to preserve evidence - particularly if there is reason to believe that unless the order is made, your opponent will destroy potentially relevant documents. For that reason, a search order is typically made without first notifying the respondent.

Why Work With Our Dispute Resolution Team

  • For the past seven years, the Legal 500 has rated us as a Top Tier legal firm. 
  • You will get access to more than 9 dispute resolution professionals from the Myerson Dispute Resolution Group, who will assist you with , shareholder, and partnership disputes, professional negligence, commercial agency and more.
  • You will obtain city-quality dispute resolution legal help at regional pricing. 
  • We offer a partner-led service to make sure you get the greatest legal counsel and support with a focus on business.
  • Our large and experienced team can work quickly to fulfil your deadlines.
  • We recognise that each transaction is unique to your specific circumstances and that you require the assistance of a dispute resolution solicitor who has dealt with a wide range of clients and types of work.
  • We are a full-service law company with a single location, which ensures our employees interact effectively and efficiently.
  • We employ the most recent technology to make sure that we are operating as effectively as possible and that a client's location is not a barrier to us providing outstanding customer service.
  • All of our clients receive free newsletters and webinars that keep them informed about dispute resolution legal developments. View our most recent webinar on dispute resolution updates here.
  • Check out the Myerson Promise for more information on the benefits of working with us. 

Contact Our Dispute Resolution Solicitors


Our Dispute Resolution Solicitors are happy to discuss your situation in a no-obligation and free consultation by telephone.

We also offer different funding arrangements to suit your individual needs. Conditional fee agreements or “No win, no fee” arrangements may be available, as may insurance policies or third-party funding.

At Myerson, our litigation funding team will provide guidance in handling the financial risk that comes with litigation and directing any of those costs off your credit sheet.

We understand the costs that come with litigation, which is why we act with integrity. We will only provide funding as an option if it is in your best interests. We can advise you on whether your claim is suitable for litigation funding.

Find out more about the different litigation funding options that may be available to you.

Visit Our Funding Page


Myerson Solicitors helped me retrieve 50K compensation from FSCS over poor financial advice I had received with regards to my pension. I received professional and efficient service throughout the process. All my calls and emails were responded to promptly. They explained everything in an understandable manner for someone who is not in legal or financial profession. I was going to use Myerson Solicitors on a no win no fee basis. They advised me against it as they thought I will be paying a lot more and I have a reasonable chance for a successful outcome. They were absolutely right and I am glad that I trusted them. Myerson Solicitors were recommended to me by a friend and I am happy to put a good word out for them. Brilliant service.

Meet Our Specialists

Home-grown or recruited from national, regional or City firms. Our specialists are experts in their fields and respected by their peers.

Adam M Final

Adam Maher

Adam is a Partner and Head of our Dispute Resolution Team


Sven Clarke

Sven is a Partner in our Dispute Resolution Team


Suzanne Carr

Suzanne is a Partner in our Dispute Resolution Team

Lianne final

Lianne Allan

Lianne is a Senior Associate in our Dispute Resolution Team


Robert Brothers

Robert is a Senior Associate in our Dispute Resolution Team

Contact Our Experts

You can contact our lawyers below if you have any more questions or want more information:

0161 941 4000

All the details you provide are handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) and we never share your data with anyone. For more information, please see our data protection statement.