I work for my spouses' company. What rights do I have now we are separating?
If you work at your spouse's company, you may be considered an employee, and you may have employment rights.
It is important to remember that employee status and employment law rights apply to spouses employed in a family business, regardless of any breakdown in the marriage.
If your ex-spouse's business has employed you for at least two years, you may have acquired the right not to be unfairly dismissed.
Additionally, if you feel that you have been forced to resign from the business because of the divorce, you may have a constructive dismissal claim.
This means your spouse cannot "fire" you just because you are considering a divorce.
If you are on the payroll of your spouse's company, it is important to take legal advice at an early stage.
Although you may agree to depart from the company on divorce, careful consideration needs to be given to your employment position in the interim period pending a final divorce order being made to ensure your income stream can be suitably protected.