The Implications of Social Media for Commercial Agents Operating in the UK

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Suzanne Carr - Partner


Social media has become an essential tool for commercial agents in the UK to promote products, build brand awareness and engage with customers. However, using social media also presents legal risks and challenges that commercial agents must navigate to avoid liability.
One of the most significant risks associated with social media use by commercial agents is the potential for misleading or defamatory statements. Commercial agents must ensure that any statements on social media are accurate and not misleading, as they can be held liable for false advertising or other misrepresentation. Additionally, commercial agents must be careful not to make statements that could be deemed defamatory, as this can result in legal action being taken against them.

A commercial agent must also remember that he is under a duty under the Commercial Agents Regulations to look after the principal’s interests and act dutifully and in good faith (Regulation 3). Suppose an agent is found to have made a misleading or defamatory statement via social media. In that case, the principal will likely threaten action in damages for breach of the agency contract or breach of the Regulations, or worse, seek to terminate the agency contract on the grounds of a repudiatory breach and claim damages for the harm caused by the breach. This is something an agent should seek to avoid, as the harm caused to the principal could be substantial and extremely costly for the agent.

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The implications of social media for commercial agents operating in the UK


Another challenge associated with social media use by commercial agents is the need to comply with data protection and privacy regulations. Commercial agents must ensure that in collecting, storing and using data on social media, they comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the UK. This includes obtaining explicit consent from individuals before collecting their data and ensuring that data is not used for purposes other than those for which it was collected. Compliance with the GDPR is a complex area and often overlooked when using social media – using an individual’s data is often not given sufficient thought.

Despite these challenges, social media presents significant opportunities for commercial agents to reach new audiences and build brand awareness. By using social media effectively, commercial agents can connect and engage with customers, promote the brand to a wide audience, build long-term relationships that lead to increased sales and revenue, and ultimately generate goodwill for the principal in respect of which the commercial agent will benefit upon termination of the agency. Done well, it is undoubtedly a fantastic tool with which a commercial agent is equipped to expand the customer base, build brand awareness, and ultimately increase sales. If done badly, it could be very damaging.

Upon termination of an agency, the agent will be entitled to be either compensated or indemnified according to Regulation 17, and in both cases, the expansion of the agent’s customer base, combined with an increase in sales, will have a positive effect on the value of this significant termination entitlement.

In summary, social media has become an essential tool for commercial agents in the UK, but its use also presents legal risks and challenges that must be navigated to avoid liability. Provided those challenges are successfully navigated, commercial agents can gain significant advantages through the effective use of social media.

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Suzanne Carr


Suzanne has 21 years of experience acting as a Dispute Resolution solicitor. Suzanne has specialist expertise in professional negligence claims, partnership disputes, complex contractual disputes, and commercial agency claims.

About Suzanne Carr