Unfortunately, when assisting in child contact arrangements on a relationship breakdown, it is not uncommon to hear statements such as My partner is telling lies about me to manipulate the children or The children do not want to see me because of what my partner has said to them.
The undermining of a parent and child relationship is often encapsulated in the terms' parental alienation' or 'alienating behaviours'.
Over recent years, the label' parental alienation' in Family court has been regarded as unhelpful and somewhat discouraged. In a recent 2023 case, Re C ('Parental Alienation'; Instruction of Expert), the court opined that the court should focus on identifying 'alienating behaviour' rather than determining whether the label' parental alienation' can be applied.
Our Family Lawyers discuss alienating behaviours in child custody cases, explore their effects on children, and advise on legal steps, including court interventions, to address such behaviours and restore parent-child relationships.