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Why Choose Myerson

Our team at Myerson has a breadth of experience to provide you with the expert legal support and quality of service you are looking for.

As part of our core values, we provide you with clear and transparent cost information from the outset. 

Working in partnership with you on your requirements, matters are assigned to the most appropriate level of fee earner (always subject to partner supervision) to support you throughout your matter and ensure absolute cost effectiveness and efficiency. 

We set out below a summary of our charges which, when combined with our prestige conveyancing service, represents excellent value.

We would be happy to discuss our fees with you further, contact us here.  

All rates are subject to VAT at 20%.

Purchasing a residential property

Our fees cover all the work required to complete the purchase of your property as set out in the stages of the process below.

Our approach to fees

Our fees will be determined by the value and complexity of the transaction and will also take into account any work required to deal with any unusual aspects of the purchase.

We can usually offer a standard fixed fee for our residential property transactions subject to the proviso that the transaction has no complicating factors such as lack of certification for any alterations or building works carried out, title defects that need to be reported to lenders, remedied or indemnity insurance put in place or nonstandard mortgage conditions to be complied with. We cannot offer fixed fees for any transaction involving an apartment situated in a building with over 5 storeys or a height of over 11 metres.  

All rates are subject to VAT at 20%.

Value Fee
Up to £400,000 From £1,600 +VAT
£400,000 to £600,000 From £1,750 +VAT
£600,001 to £800,000 From £1,950 +VAT
£800,001 to £1,000,000 From £2,250 +VAT
£1,001,000 to £1,500,000 From £2,550 +VAT
£1,500,001 to £2,000,000 From £3,000 +VAT
Over £2,000,000 From £3,500 + VAT

Additional charges to cover complicated factors will be based upon the time needed to deal with them. The hourly rates charged will be dependent on the experience of the Solicitor dealing with the transaction and start at £185 plus VAT. If we need to liaise with other solicitors in other departments within the firm then their hourly rates are also set out below. We will provide you with an estimate of the total additional charges either at the outset of the transaction or when we become aware of any complicating factors.

If your purchase falls through before it is completed then we will charge for the time spent to the point where the matter became aborted subject to our fees never exceeding the agreed fixed fee and charges for dealing with any complicating factors. 

Hourly rates of our solicitors

If complicating factors arise then we will charge for the extra time involved. Our standard hourly rates (excluding VAT) are as follows:

Partners and Legal Directors: Senior Associates, Associates and Solicitors: Trainee
Solicitors, Paralegals and Legal Assistants:
£250 +VAT £190 - £240 +VAT £130 - £150 +VAT

Typical Disbursements

Disbursements are costs relating to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as the Land Registry.

On a freehold house purchase we would expect disbursements to include:

  • Searches including but not limited to a search of the local land charge register and standard enquiries of the local authority, drainage search, environmental search, planning history and also any other recommended searches such as mining or flood risk. Prices depend on the area and search provider so we can only estimate that these will be between £300-400 plus VAT.
  • A fee for transferring any money as a same day payment. For example, to forward the money to the sellers solicitors on completion: £35 plus VAT
  • Identification check to satisfy money laundering requirements: £8.00 plus VAT per person
  • Lawyer Check search to verify the seller’s solicitors bank details: £14.00 plus VAT
  • Pre-completion searches at the Land Registry: £3.00 plus VAT per title
  • Pre-completion bankruptcy search: £2.00 plus VAT per name searched
  • Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). This varies dependent on the transaction and we recommend you use the official Government Stamp Duty Land Tax calculator to ascertain the likely charge 
  • Land Registry registration fees. The fee will be dependent on the value and nature of the transaction and we recommend that you use the official Land Registry fee calculator to ascertain the likely charge
  • Fees payable to a third party such as a rentcharge collector, when providing notice of the purchase to them. These will be dependent on the provisions in the lease and the individual landlord or managing agents.

What's involved?

The stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to each particular transaction, however, we have listed below the key stages that will be covered by our legal fee:

  • Taking your instructions and providing you with initial advice;
  • Obtaining contract, title and supporting information documents from the seller's solicitors
  • Reviewing the contract and supporting documents and raising any necessary title enquiries with the seller's solicitors
  • Obtaining the usual searches for a property and reviewing the contents of the same
  • If you are obtaining mortgage funding, receiving mortgage instructions, reviewing the same and ensure compliance with any conditions
  • Preparing an SDLT return form, transfer and other documents relevant to that particular transaction
  • Reporting to you on the title, information documents, searches and other relevant matters
  • Meeting with you to obtain your signature on the Contract and Transfer document;
  • Taking your instructions on suitable completion dates
  • Exchanging contracts to confirm the completion date and secure the purchase of the Property;
  • Completing the purchase transaction
  • Paying any SDLT due as a result of the transaction and filing the SDLT return
  • Registering the property and your mortgage with the Land Registry, if any
  • Serving notice of purchase and charge, if any, on any relevant third parties
  • Providing you with confirmation of the registration of the property into your name and any pre-registration deeds and documents
  • Providing your mortgage lender with a copy of the updated title documents

Selling a residential property

Our fees cover all the work required to complete the sale of your property. We have set out below the key stages of a standard freehold sale.

Our approach to fees

Our fees will be determined by the value and complexity of the transaction and will also take into account any work required to deal with any unusual aspects of the sale.

We can usually offer a standard fixed fee for our residential property transactions subject to the proviso that the transaction has no complicating factors such as lack of certification for any alterations or building works carried out, title defects that need to be reported to lenders, remedied or indemnity insurance put in place or nonstandard mortgage conditions to be complied with. We cannot offer fixed fees for any transaction involving an apartment situated in a building with over 5 storeys or a height of over 11 metres.  

All rates are subject to VAT at 20%.



Up to £400,000

From £1,400 +VAT

£400,000 to £600,000

From £1,550 +VAT

£600,001 to £800,000

From £1,700 +VAT

£800,001 to £1,000,000

From £1,850 +VAT

£1,000,001 to £1,500,000

From £2,100 +VAT

£1,000,501 to £2,000,000

From £2,400 +VAT

Over £2,000,000 

From £3,000 +VAT

Additional charges to cover complicated factors will be based upon the time needed to deal with them. The hourly rates charged will be dependent on the experience of the Solicitor dealing with the transaction and start at £185 plus VAT. If we need to liaise with other solicitors in other departments within the firm then their hourly rates are also set out below. We will provide you with an estimate of the total additional charges either at the outset of the transaction or when we become aware of any complicating factors.

If your sale falls through before it is completed then we will charge for the time spent to the point where the matter became aborted subject to our fees never exceeding the agreed fixed fee and charges for dealing with any complicating factors. 

Hourly rates of our solicitors

If complicating factors arise, then we will charge for the extra time involved.

Our standard hourly rates are as follows (All rates are subject to VAT at 20%):

Partners and Legal Directors: Senior Associates, Associates and Solicitors: Trainee Solicitors and Legal Assistants:
£240 +VAT £185 - £230 +VAT £120 - £140 +VAT

Typical Disbursements

Disbursements are costs relating to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as the Land Registry.

On a freehold house sale we would expect disbursements to include:

  • Copies of Land Registry Title, register, plan and documents at £3.00 plus VAT per document obtained
  • Fee for transferring any money as a same day payment, for example to redeem an existing charge or account to you for the balance: £35.00 plus VAT
  • Identification check to satisfy money laundering requirements: £8.00 plus VAT per person

What's involved?

The stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to each particular transaction, however, we have listed below the key stages that will be covered by our legal fee

  • Taking your instructions and providing you with initial advice;
  • Obtaining title documents and prepare a Contract for Sale for submission to your buyer’s solicitors;
  • Dealing with any title enquiries raised by the buyer’s solicitors;
  • Obtaining a settlement figure for any charges secured against your property;
  • Approving the form of Transfer supplied by the buyer’s solicitor;
  • Meeting with you to obtain your signature on the Contract and Transfer document;
  • Taking your instructions regarding proposed completion dates;
  • Exchanging contracts to confirm the completion date and secure the sale of the Property;
  • Completing the sale transaction and accounting to you and any existing lender for the sale proceeds;
  • Accounting to any Estate Agents for settlement of their fees as pre-approved by you;

Remortgaging a residential property

Our fees cover all the work required to complete the re-mortgage of your property as step out below in the key stages of a re-mortgage transaction.

Our approach to fees

Our fees will be determined by the value and complexity of the transaction and will also take into account any work required to deal with any unusual aspects of the remortgage.

We can usually offer a standard fixed fee for our residential property transactions subject to the proviso that the transaction has no complicating factors such as lack of certification for any alterations or building works carried out, title defects that need to be reported to lenders, remedied or indemnity insurance put in place or nonstandard mortgage conditions to be complied with. We cannot offer fixed fees for any transaction involving an apartment situated in a building with over 5 storeys or a height of over 11 metres.  

All rates are subject to VAT at 20%.



Up to £400,000

From £1,200 +VAT

£400,000 to £700,000

     From £1,350 +VAT     

£700,001 to £1,000,000

      From £1,650 +VAT      

Over £2,000,000 

From £2,000 +VAT

Additional charges to cover complicated factors will be based upon the time needed to deal with them. The hourly rates charged will be dependent on the experience of the Solicitor dealing with the transaction and start at £185 plus VAT. If we need to liaise with other solicitors in other departments within the firm then their hourly rates are also set out below. We will provide you with an estimate of the total additional charges either at the outset of the transaction or when we become aware of any complicating factors.

If your remortgage falls through before it is completed then we will charge for the time spent to the point where the matter became aborted subject to our fees never exceeding the agreed fixed fee and charges for dealing with any complicating factors. 

Hourly rates of our solicitors

If complicating factors arise then we will charge for the extra time involved. Our standard hourly rates (excluding VAT) are as follows:

Partners and Legal Directors: Senior Associates, Associates and Solicitors: Trainee Solicitors and Legal Assistants:
£240 +VAT £185 - £230 +VAT £120 - £140 +VAT

Typical Disbursements

Disbursements are costs relating to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as the Land Registry.

On a re-mortgage we would expect disbursements to include:

  • Fee for transferring any money as a same day payment, for example to redeem an existing charge or account due for the balance: £35 plus VAT
  • Identification check to satisfy money laundering requirements: £8 plus VAT per person
  • Searches (if required) including but not limited to, a search of the local land charge register and standard enquiries of the local authority, drainage search, environmental search, planning history and also any other recommended searches such as mining or flood risk. Prices depend on the area and search provider so we can only estimate that these will be between £300-400 plus VAT. 
  • Search indemnity insurance (taken in lieu of the above searches if your lender accepts the same): price depends on value but are usually in the region of £50 - £100
  • If the property is leasehold, a sales information pack from the landlord/managing agent: these fees vary on the provider and can range from around £100 to in excess of £500
  • Pre completion searches at the Land Registry: £3.00 plus VAT per title
  • Pre completion bankruptcy search: £2.00 plus VAT per name searched
  • Land registry fees. The fee will dependent on the value and nature of the transaction and we recommend that you use the official Land Registry fee calculator to ascertain the likely charge
  • Fees payable to a third party such as a rentcharge collector or landlord/,managing, when providing notice of the new charge to them: these will be set by the third party

What's involved?

The stages involved in the re-mortgage of a residential property vary according to each particular transaction, however, we have listed below the key stages that will be covered by our legal fee:

  • Taking your instructions and providing you with initial advice;
  • Obtaining contract, title and supporting information documents from the Land Registry and any documents you may hold
  • Obtaining an information pack from any landlord or managing agent if the property is leasehold
  • Reviewing the title and supporting documents and raise any necessary enquiries with you or a third party such as a landlord or managing agent if your property is leasehold
  • Obtaining the usual searches for a property in the area in which your property is located and reviewing the contents or if your lender accepts insurance, obtain quotes in lieu of searches for a policy on completion
  • Receiving mortgage instructions, reviewing the same and ensuring compliance with any conditions
  • Meeting with you to obtain your signature on the Mortgage Deed and any other relevant documents
  • Taking your instructions on suitable completion dates
  • Obtaining settlement figures for any existing charges which are being repaid on completion
  • Preparing a statement of account and obtaining any balance required from you
  • Completing the new mortgage and redeeming any existing charges, as agreed with you and the new lender
  • Registering the new mortgage with the Land Registry
  • Serving a notice of charge on any relevant third parties
  • Implementing any search indemnity insurance as necessary
  • Providing you with confirmation of the registration of the new charge
  • Providing your mortgage lender with a copy of the updated title documents

Why Work With Our Residential Property Team?

  • We provide a partner-led service to ensure you receive the very best legal advice and commercially minded support. 
  • We have a large team which can meet your deadlines. 
  • We understand that each transaction is bespoke to your circumstances and that you need support from a conveyancing lawyer who is experienced in dealing with a wide variety of clients and types of work. 
  • We are a full-service law firm operating from a one-site office, which means our property teams communicate effectively and efficiently. 
  • We use the latest technology to ensure that we are working as efficiently as possible, and that geographical distance is no bar to us from providing excellent client service. 

Contact Our Residential Property Solicitors

Meet Our Residential Property Solicitors

Home-grown or recruited from national, regional or city firms. Our residential conveyancing solicitors are primed to provide a stress-free premium service, whilst solving your residential property matter.

Heather v2

Heather Adams

Heather is a Partner and Head of our Residential Property Team

Carly final

Carly Traverse

Carly is a Senior Associate in our Residential Property Team

Grace Price

Grace Price

Grace is an Associate in our Residential Property Team

Olivia Heston Morris

Olivia Heston-Morris

Olivia is an Associate in our Residential Property Team

Lisa Br final

Lisa Bradley

Lisa is a Paralegal in our Residential Property Team

Laura H final

Laura Higgins

Laura is a Solicitor in our Residential Property Team

Josie final

Josie O'Neill

Josie is a Legal PA in our Residential Property Team

Contact Our Experts

You can contact our lawyers below if you have any more questions or want more information:

0161 941 4000