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Employee Ownership – Navigating EOTs

Employee Ownership – Navigating EOTs

MHA, Myerson Solicitors and The Business Growth Hub present: Employee Ownership – Navigating EOTs (Employee Ownership Trusts), their advantages, challenges, tax considerations and a view from an entrepreneur. Join our experts for a panel discussion...

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The End of Fire and Rehire and Its Effect on the Manufacturing Industry

The End of Fire and Rehire and Its Effect on the Manufacturing Industry

The King’s Speech, delivered on 17 July 2024, set out several proposals from the new Labour government. Among such proposals was the Employment Rights Bill , which included a commitment to ‘ending the scourges of ‘Fire and Rehire’ and ‘Fire and...

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5 minutes reading time
Manufacturing | 28 August 2024
How to Help Your Children Through Divorce

How to Help Your Children Through Divorce

Separation and divorce can be a challenging and upsetting time for all involved. Even though the relationship between the adults has ended, their role as parents does not stop. It is important to make sure the children get the support they need...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 27 August 2024
Could An Employee’s Far-Right Belief be Protected Under Discrimination Law?

Could An Employee’s Far-Right Belief be Protected Under Discrimination Law?

After weeks of social unrest, far-right ideology has taken the government and media’s attention. Individuals may have had direct involvement by taking part in far-right riots and inciting violence online, but also may have indirectly been involved...

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4 minutes reading time
Employment | 21 August 2024
Hospitality & Leisure: Employment Law Update

Hospitality & Leisure: Employment Law Update

The hospitality sector faces numerous challenges as a result of upcoming employment law changes. Below, we explore the potential ban on ‘exploitative’ zero-hour contracts, as well as the introduction of a new law on tipping.

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Hospitality & Leisure | 19 August 2024
Will the Autumn Budget Call Time on Deeds of Variation?

Will the Autumn Budget Call Time on Deeds of Variation?

With a recent change of government comes plenty of speculation on what we can expect to see in Labour’s Autumn Budget.  Our recent blog from our Wills, Trusts and Probate experts has reviewed some of the proposed changes to estate planning and how...

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3 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 19 August 2024
Who Is The Legal Parent of a Surrogate Child?

Who Is The Legal Parent of a Surrogate Child?

Surrogacy is a process by which a child is carried through pregnancy by a woman with the intention that, at birth, the child and parental responsibility for the child will be transferred to another person/couple, known as the intended parent(s...

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5 minutes reading time
Family Law | 19 August 2024
What Every Parent Should Know About Appointing a Legal Guardian for their Child in Their Will

What Every Parent Should Know About Appointing a Legal Guardian for their Child in Their Will

One of the most important considerations for parents regarding estate planning is appointing a legal guardian for minor children. Whilst the thought of not being there for your child may be unsettling, planning to secure their future can give you...

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5 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 15 August 2024
10 Key Points To Consider When Engaging A Consultant

10 Key Points To Consider When Engaging A Consultant

Engaging with a consultant can allow businesses to access a particular skill set or expertise within a specific sector or industry that it does not possess within their existing workforce without incurring the time and costs associated with...

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6 minutes reading time
Commercial | 14 August 2024
Nature of Easements

Nature of Easements

Easements are a key consideration for landowners and developers, as a failure to consider their implications properly may have the result of severely inhibiting a development scheme. This blog identifies common easements, examines how they are...

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4 minutes reading time
Property Litigation | 13 August 2024
A Field of Their Own: Agricultural Prenups

A Field of Their Own: Agricultural Prenups

A  prenuptial agreement is an agreement that a couple signs before their wedding that sets out how their assets will be dealt with in a  divorce. These agreements can also cover the planned use of matrimonial finances during the marriage. A...

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Agriculture | 12 August 2024
What is the Difference Between Bankruptcy and Insolvency?

What is the Difference Between Bankruptcy and Insolvency?

People often use the terms insolvency and bankruptcy interchangeably.  In England and Wales, insolvency and bankruptcy have distinct meanings, although they can often relate to similar circumstances.  Our Insolvency and Restructuring lawyers...

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Insolvency & Restructuring | 09 August 2024
Am I Legally Entitled to an Inheritance?

Am I Legally Entitled to an Inheritance?

The inheritance laws of England and Wales are complicated, with many rights based on laws established years ago. Understanding what rights you have can be hard to navigate, especially at a difficult and emotional time. Our Contentious Probate...

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4 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 07 August 2024
Wealth and Estate Planning Considerations under a Labour Government

Wealth and Estate Planning Considerations under a Labour Government

In the run-up to the election, Labour said there would be no tax rises on 'working people' and pledged in their manifesto not to increase Income Tax, National Insurance, or VAT. With the recent £22bn 'black hole' announced in public finances, the...

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5 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 02 August 2024
Hannah Neeleman and the Resurrection of the Trad Wife

Hannah Neeleman and the Resurrection of the Trad Wife

There is an increasing trend on social media of the 'Trad Wife' —a growing group of women turning back to traditional values, routines, and expectations and becoming stay-at-home wives and mothers. This trend has skyrocketed to virality over the...

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7 minutes reading time
Family Law | 01 August 2024
How Will the New Labour Government Encourage Housebuilding and Ensure Affordability for First-Time Buyers?

How Will the New Labour Government Encourage Housebuilding and Ensure Affordability for First-Time Buyers?

Housing affordability is a critical issue in the UK, and many people find the dream of homeownership difficult to achieve. Following Labour's recent landslide election victory, Angela Raynor was appointed as the new Secretary of State for Levelling...

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4 minutes reading time
Residential Property | 01 August 2024
The Court of Appeal overrules the High Court decision on undue influence in Rea v Rea

The Court of Appeal overrules the High Court decision on undue influence in Rea v Rea

Where someone has made a Will, it can be challenged if it was produced as a result of "undue influence" by one of the beneficiaries. Our Contentious Probate lawyers explore a recent decision in a case called Rea v Rea which demonstrates how these...

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Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 30 July 2024
How Will I Survive Financially After Divorce?

How Will I Survive Financially After Divorce?

Going through a divorce is inevitably a stressful and uncertain time. You will likely be concerned about how you will begin living independently, including having independent finances and moving forward on a single income. There are options...

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5 minutes reading time
Divorce | 29 July 2024
Retail Rollercoaster: How to Maximise Employment Flexibility as A Retail Employer

Retail Rollercoaster: How to Maximise Employment Flexibility as A Retail Employer

In recent weeks, the retail sector has experienced a rollercoaster of trends, which highlights the importance of flexibility from an employment perspective. Our Employment Lawyers and Retail Team consider how the retail sector has been impacted and...

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Retail | 29 July 2024
Do I Need To Make A Foreign Will For My Holiday Home Abroad?

Do I Need To Make A Foreign Will For My Holiday Home Abroad?

If you are domiciled (see below for further details) in England, you can make a Will that deals with your worldwide assets. However, suppose you own a property abroad, such as a holiday home. In that case, there are potential benefits to making a...

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5 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 26 July 2024
Government Plans for Science, Innovation and Technology

Government Plans for Science, Innovation and Technology

While the first King's Speech of the new Labour Government may not have announced the 'AI Bill', which had been the subject of some advance media speculation, it nevertheless contained much interest in technology, science, data, the online space...

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6 minutes reading time
Commercial | 25 July 2024
Manufacturing and Succession – Growth Shares

Manufacturing and Succession – Growth Shares

Many UK manufacturing businesses are family-owned enterprises, often having been owned and operated by the same family for multiple generations. When it comes to passing the business to the next generation or transferring it to a management team...

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5 minutes reading time
Manufacturing | 23 July 2024
Key Employment Law Takeaways from the King’s Speech

Key Employment Law Takeaways from the King’s Speech

On 17 July 2024, the King’s Speech was delivered. This set out the new Labour government’s priorities for the months ahead, solidifying some groundbreaking proposals for employment law reforms. Our Employment Lawyers provide an update on what we...

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Employment | 22 July 2024
How Can I Provide For My Autistic Child After I Have Died?

How Can I Provide For My Autistic Child After I Have Died?

If you are a parent/grandparent of someone with autism, it can be worrying to think about how you will be able to provide for them after you have gone. You want to ensure that someone you trust will take care of their needs in the future. By making...

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5 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 22 July 2024
The Hard Life of Trademarks: easyGroup Forces Band to Rename in UK Trademark Dispute

The Hard Life of Trademarks: easyGroup Forces Band to Rename in UK Trademark Dispute

A British indie band formerly known as EasyLife has recently changed its name to Hard Life following a legal clash that started last year with easyGroup, the owner of the airline easyJet. Our Dispute Resolution Solicitors explore the important...

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4 minutes reading time
Dispute Resolution | 19 July 2024
How Non-Matrimonial Wealth Is Treated By The Courts

How Non-Matrimonial Wealth Is Treated By The Courts

You must disclose all your financial assets, income, and liabilities when divorcing. Many people ask whether they need to disclose any assets acquired before the marriage or whether they can keep these separate; our Family lawyers explain how the...

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Family Law | 18 July 2024
Cross-Border Estates: What To Do When An Individual Dies Whilst Living Abroad

Cross-Border Estates: What To Do When An Individual Dies Whilst Living Abroad

When an individual dies, dealing with their estate can be difficult and overwhelming. Added complexities arise when the individual dies outside of England and Wales because different jurisdictions have different rules for dealing with estates. If...

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4 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 17 July 2024
Life Sciences and Commercial Real Estate: A Growing Synergy

Life Sciences and Commercial Real Estate: A Growing Synergy

The life sciences sector has emerged as a significant driver of innovation and economic growth in recent years. With advancements in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and healthcare services, the life sciences industry is improving...

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4 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 16 July 2024
Guide To Buying A Company Through Share Purchase

Guide To Buying A Company Through Share Purchase

Thinking about buying a business? Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a first-time buyer, our Corporate Lawyers provide an overview of the key legal aspects of purchasing a company (through a share purchase) in this guide. This brief is...

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5 minutes reading time
Corporate | 14 July 2024
How To Ensure Your Online Platform is P2B Compliant

How To Ensure Your Online Platform is P2B Compliant

E-commerce marketplaces, online platforms, and other online intermediaries have become increasingly popular options for many businesses looking to market their goods and services not just throughout the UK but on a global scale. The popularity of...

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IT / Technology | 11 July 2024
The Future Of Employment Law Under Our New Labour Government

The Future Of Employment Law Under Our New Labour Government

The Labour Party's election manifesto proclaimed that employment law in Britain is no longer fit for the modern economy. In May 2024, Labour detailed its plans to "make work pay" by delivering a "new deal" for working people within the first 100...

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6 minutes reading time
Employment | 10 July 2024
What Factors Do I Need To Consider When Instructing a Residential Property Solicitor?

What Factors Do I Need To Consider When Instructing a Residential Property Solicitor?

Your choice of legal representation is fundamental when buying or selling a property. Laura Higgins, a Residential Property Solicitor at Myerson Solicitors, outlines key factors to consider.

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4 minutes reading time
Residential Property | 10 July 2024
Residential Landlord Possession – What To Do If Your Tenant Refuses To Move Out

Residential Landlord Possession – What To Do If Your Tenant Refuses To Move Out

In most cases, a tenant will leave after the landlord has served a Section 8 Notice or a Section 21 Notice requiring the tenant to vacate the property. However, when the tenant fails to vacate, the landlord may be forced to proceed with Court...

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6 minutes reading time
Property Litigation | 09 July 2024
National Minimum Wage and Travel Time in the Agriculture Sector

National Minimum Wage and Travel Time in the Agriculture Sector

Following changes to pay rates in April 2024, our Agriculture Lawyers examine the National Minimum Wage Regulations 2015 (NMWR) and travel time in an agricultural context. This follows a recent Employment Appeal Tribunal decision that determined...

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4 minutes reading time
Agriculture | 08 July 2024
What To Consider When Looking For A Commercial Property To Rent

What To Consider When Looking For A Commercial Property To Rent

Choosing the right property for your business is an important decision, and there are many factors to consider. Apart from the obvious considerations, such as whether the property is in the right location and whether the rent is affordable for your...

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4 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 04 July 2024
Loosening the Belt: What is Grey Belt Land and Green Belt Land?

Loosening the Belt: What is Grey Belt Land and Green Belt Land?

The Labour Party unveiled plans to construct new homes on ‘grey belt land’ during their 2024 General Election campaign. Our Commercial Property Solicitors explore what Labours proposed plans mean for future development as well as the purpose...

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4 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 02 July 2024
Can My Landlord Take Back Possession Of The Premises I am Operating A Business From?

Can My Landlord Take Back Possession Of The Premises I am Operating A Business From?

The location of your premises is often crucial to your business's success, particularly in the hospitality and leisure sector. Relocating can be expensive and disruptive for you and your customers. This raises the question: Can a landlord take back...

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4 minutes reading time
Hospitality & Leisure | 01 July 2024
What Can I Do If My Ex Stops Me Seeing My Child?

What Can I Do If My Ex Stops Me Seeing My Child?

If you have separated or are in the process of separating, we understand that one of the hardest things is not seeing your child every day. Knowing your rights regarding contact and what to do if either or both of you cannot reach an agreement...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 30 June 2024
How To Plan for Success When Selling A Technology Business

How To Plan for Success When Selling A Technology Business

The sale of any business (or company) will often be complex and time-consuming. The more preparation you can do (as a seller), the more time you can save and the less stressful the process can become. For technology businesses in particular, it is...

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4 minutes reading time
Corporate | 26 June 2024
Buying a Property: Key Considerations for Homebuyers

Buying a Property: Key Considerations for Homebuyers

Purchasing a property can feel like an overwhelming experience and many people do not know where to begin. Common questions include: What information will I need to start the transaction? How do I evidence my source of funds? How long will the...

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4 minutes reading time
Residential Property | 25 June 2024
Carrying Out Legal Due Diligence in the Life Sciences Sector

Carrying Out Legal Due Diligence in the Life Sciences Sector

Due diligence is essential to any business (or company) purchase, particularly in the life sciences sector. It allows the buyer to obtain information relating to the business to manage the risk caused by the buyer-beware principle.  The due...

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5 minutes reading time
Life Sciences | 24 June 2024
Taking Cross-Border Security Over UK-Based Assets

Taking Cross-Border Security Over UK-Based Assets

Lending across borders can involve several risks and jurisdiction-specific requirements. Cross-border bank security taken by a bank or institutional lender is usually a charge over the assets of a corporate entity located in the UK. It can also be...

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Banking | 23 June 2024
Ambiguous Drafting of Gifts to Charity in Wills

Ambiguous Drafting of Gifts to Charity in Wills

A recent case heard by the High Court has highlighted the importance of considered preparation, clear drafting, and regular reviews in preparing Wills.  Our Wills, Trust, and Probate Solicitors examine the case of Marjorie Thompson , who died in...

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Wills, Trusts and Probate | 17 June 2024
The Rise of Insolvency Within the Retail Sector - Key Warning Signs and Potential Solutions

The Rise of Insolvency Within the Retail Sector - Key Warning Signs and Potential Solutions

The retail sector has recently been at the forefront of insolvency news, with high-profile insolvencies such as Ted Baker and The Body Shop. These have highlighted the difficult market conditions currently faced by retailers, with statistics...

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Insolvency & Restructuring | 16 June 2024
Redundancies in the Technology Sector

Redundancies in the Technology Sector

In recent years, it has been a rollercoaster ride for employers and employees alike in the tech sector. Our Technology Lawyers look into the processes and effects of redundancies in the technology sector.

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Employment | 12 June 2024
Cloudy Skies: An In-Depth Look at the Landmark Trade Mark Dispute Between Sky v SkyKick

Cloudy Skies: An In-Depth Look at the Landmark Trade Mark Dispute Between Sky v SkyKick

After 7 years of litigation, in June 2023, Sky v SkyKick reached the Supreme Court, raising fundamental questions about the scope of trademark protection and the concept of "bad faith" trademark registration. While we continue to wait for a...

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5 minutes reading time
Dispute Resolution | 11 June 2024
Break Clauses – Avoid the Pitfalls!

Break Clauses – Avoid the Pitfalls!

Break clauses are contractual provisions in a lease that allow either the landlord or tenant to bring the contractual term of the lease to an end early. On the face of it, a break notice appears to be a straightforward document, and it often looks...

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5 minutes reading time
Property Litigation | 10 June 2024
Farming Wills and Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts

Farming Wills and Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts

Before 2007, it was common for spouses to include Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts (NRBDTs) in their Wills.  Our Agricultural Solicitors investigate why this was, what has changed, and why. If you own farming assets and have one in a will, you...

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5 minutes reading time
Agriculture | 10 June 2024
Presenting a Creditor's Bankruptcy Petition

Presenting a Creditor's Bankruptcy Petition

If you are a creditor who is owed money by an individual, presenting a bankruptcy petition is one option available to you to try and recover the debt owing.  Filing a bankruptcy petition is only appropriate where several conditions have been met...

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4 minutes reading time
Insolvency & Restructuring | 06 June 2024
Hospitality and Leisure: Top Tips for Protecting and Exploiting Your IPR

Hospitality and Leisure: Top Tips for Protecting and Exploiting Your IPR

With intellectual property rights ( IPR ) having the potential to drive growth and value for your business by delivering competitive advantages and creating new revenue streams, understanding what IPR your business owns and developing a strong IPR...

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5 minutes reading time
Commercial | 04 June 2024
10 Steps to Take When Leaving a Relationship

10 Steps to Take When Leaving a Relationship

Our Family Solicitors appreciate that separation can be a highly traumatic, emotional, and stressful time. It is important to take control of the situation and seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity. In this blog, we set out the main...

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Family Law | 03 June 2024
New TA6: What Does This Mean for Sellers?

New TA6: What Does This Mean for Sellers?

In March 2024, the Law Society published the TA6 (Fifth Edition) Property Information Form. It is mandatory for all Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) firms to use it from Tuesday, 25 June 2024. The new TA6 was published alongside the updated TA6...

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Residential Property | 30 May 2024
Expansion of Family-Friendly Rights: A Closer Look

Expansion of Family-Friendly Rights: A Closer Look

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of family-friendly practices in the workplace to better support working parents and caregivers. As a result, several legislative changes were introduced in April this year to...

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Employment | 24 May 2024
Assisted Dying: Proposals, their Pitfalls, and Legal Alternatives

Assisted Dying: Proposals, their Pitfalls, and Legal Alternatives

Assisted dying is a complex and divisive subject due to the ethical, religious, moral, and legal dimensions of end-of-life decisions. In recent times, the topic has surged to the forefront of public discourse following the launch of Dame Esther...

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4 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 23 May 2024
Software Development Agreements: 5 Key Areas to Consider

Software Development Agreements: 5 Key Areas to Consider

A software development agreement is essentially a services agreement whereby one party (the developer) agrees to develop a software application for another party (the customer). Such agreements serve as a roadmap for both parties to clearly...

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5 minutes reading time
Technology | 21 May 2024
Coronation Street's Inheritance Secret

Coronation Street's Inheritance Secret

Coronation Street fans will no doubt be aware of the ongoing storyline regarding a recently discovered Will of Archie Shuttleworth (played by the late Roy Hudd). In 2018, Archie's son, George Shuttleworth (played by Tony Maudsley), had been left...

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4 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 21 May 2024
Choosing Commercial Premises: A Guide for UK Manufacturers

Choosing Commercial Premises: A Guide for UK Manufacturers

Selecting suitable commercial premises can be a crucial factor in meeting your manufacturing goals and contributing to the success of your business. Therefore, it is important that you make the correct decision and ensure that you have given proper...

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5 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 20 May 2024
Why Estate Planning Is Just as Important as Wedding Planning

Why Estate Planning Is Just as Important as Wedding Planning

Contemplating marriage can be a joyous time. Amidst the excitement of scouting out venues and cake tasting, it can be all too easy for the happy couple to neglect less-romantic considerations such as Wills and estate planning.  Marriage holds...

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Wills, Trusts and Probate | 16 May 2024
Don’t Worry, Be App-Y – The Government Plans for Regulation of Digital Mental Health Technologies

Don’t Worry, Be App-Y – The Government Plans for Regulation of Digital Mental Health Technologies

The risks to mental health posed by our use of smartphones, social media, and similar tech-related aspects of modern life are well-reported.  At the same time, many organisations are already providing or developing tools which use technology to...

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6 minutes reading time
Commercial | 14 May 2024
Family Business Buy-Outs in the Agricultural and Rural Business Sector

Family Business Buy-Outs in the Agricultural and Rural Business Sector

A solution to succession planning in a family-owned business in the agricultural and rural business sector could be a sale of the business by the senior generation to the next generation of family members .  This is commonly referred to as a family...

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5 minutes reading time
Agriculture | 09 May 2024
Should I Buy the Freehold to My House?

Should I Buy the Freehold to My House?

The Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (the 1967 act) gives leasehold tenants of houses the right to buy the freehold. The right to buy the freehold (and any intermediate leasehold interest, for example, the head lease) without the landlord's agreement is...

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4 minutes reading time
Property Litigation | 07 May 2024
Understanding Landlord's Consent to Assign a Lease: A Guide for Tenants

Understanding Landlord's Consent to Assign a Lease: A Guide for Tenants

Assignment of a commercial lease is an attractive option for tenants of commercial properties who wish to divest themselves of their lease.  Commercial property tenants often find themselves trapped in a lease with time left to run, where the...

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5 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 06 May 2024
Franchise Agreements in Retail

Franchise Agreements in Retail

Franchise agreements are used extensively within the retail sector .  It is important to understand  how these agreements work and what they will mean for the parties entering  into them .   A franchise agreement is a legally binding contract that...

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4 minutes reading time
Corporate | 02 May 2024
Cut Out Of A Will In Favour Of The Family Dog?

Cut Out Of A Will In Favour Of The Family Dog?

It is well known that Britain is a nation of animal lovers, with 53% of UK adults owning a pet in 2023. As pets become cherished family members, increasing numbers of testators are considering their welfare when preparing Wills. Our contentious...

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4 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 01 May 2024
A Guide to Prenuptial Agreements

A Guide to Prenuptial Agreements

A prenup is a legal agreement  made  between two individuals before they marry or enter  into  a civil partnership.   The agreement itself can set out a variety of provisions as to how the couple intend to divide their assets in the event of any...

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6 minutes reading time
Family Law | 26 April 2024
Can I Be Made Redundant When I’m on Maternity Leave?

Can I Be Made Redundant When I’m on Maternity Leave?

It is estimated that over 590,000 individuals employed are pregnant. In a recent survey conducted by the campaign group ‘Pregnant then Screwed’, 7% of their survey pool confirmed they had lost their job through redundancy, sacking or feeling forced...

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Employment | 26 April 2024
What Paperwork Do I Need to Sell My Property?

What Paperwork Do I Need to Sell My Property?

On average, the sale process can take 8-12 weeks. However, the transaction can be prolonged if your paperwork is disorganised. To avoid frustrating delays, you should ensure that your affairs are in order before you put your residential property on...

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4 minutes reading time
Residential Property | 24 April 2024
Some Key Clauses in Manufacturing Contracts

Some Key Clauses in Manufacturing Contracts

The contracts entered into by businesses operating in the manufacturing sector take  a wide variety of forms. For the manufacturer  in the role of supplier, they range from relatively simple agreements for the supply of goods (entered into with a...

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Commercial | 22 April 2024
EV Charging Leases

EV Charging Leases

At the end of last year, the UAE hosted COP28, which saw significant commitments aimed at combating climate change, including a commitment to accelerate the roll-out of electric charging infrastructure. The Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate...

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5 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 18 April 2024
How to Navigate a Demerger?

How to Navigate a Demerger?

A demerger is a separation of different business activities carried on by a company or group into separate companies or groups, which are then (usually) owned by the same shareholders .  Companies and groups demerge for various reasons, including...

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Corporate | 17 April 2024
What is Domestic Abuse, And Does it Include Financial Abuse?

What is Domestic Abuse, And Does it Include Financial Abuse?

Domestic abuse is defined as an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour. It can take many different forms, such as coercive control, psychological or emotional abuse, physical abuse...

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Family Law | 15 April 2024
Umbro Counter-Attack: Court of Appeal Reverses High Court Decision in Umbro Trade Mark Infringement Case

Umbro Counter-Attack: Court of Appeal Reverses High Court Decision in Umbro Trade Mark Infringement Case

The legal saga surrounding Umbro's iconic "double diamond" logo took a decisive turn recently. The Court of Appeal overturned the High Court's ruling and found that the Umbro brand was in favour, holding that Dream Pairs' logo infringed upon the...

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Dispute Resolution | 11 April 2024
Making a Sharia-Compliant Islamic Will

Making a Sharia-Compliant Islamic Will

Ramadan can be a special time for Muslims to reflect on their affairs. When it comes to Wills , a Sharia-Compliant Islamic Will is appropriate for Muslims who wish to leave their estate in accordance with the Quran (and the Hadith, the Sunnah and...

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4 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 10 April 2024
Insolvency and Restrictions on the Reuse of a Company Name

Insolvency and Restrictions on the Reuse of a Company Name

When a company goes into insolvent liquidation , it is sometimes the case that the directors of that company want to set up a new company. Often, directors want the new company to have the same name as the old company so that they can benefit from...

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6 minutes reading time
Insolvency & Restructuring | 09 April 2024
Succession Planning for Family-Owned Businesses in the Agricultural and Rural Business Sector

Succession Planning for Family-Owned Businesses in the Agricultural and Rural Business Sector

In the context of a family business , succession will involve a transfer from the older generation to the younger generation. As is the case with the wider economy, many businesses within the agricultural and rural business sectors are...

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5 minutes reading time
Agriculture | 07 April 2024
Exclusivity Agreements In Property Transactions

Exclusivity Agreements In Property Transactions

Exclusivity agreements or lock-out agreements are most commonly used in commercial sale and purchase transactions. They aim to ensure that the seller negotiates solely with the buyer regarding the prospective transaction for an agreed-upon period...

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3 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 05 April 2024
Should I Extend My Lease?

Should I Extend My Lease?

Homeowners may be aware that the Government is making it easier and, in some cases, cheaper to extend a lease. However, we are unclear about when the reforms will take effect. Under the current rules, you can either proceed under the informal...

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3 minutes reading time
Property Litigation | 04 April 2024
Am I Entitled to See Any Documents Relating to a Relative’s Will?

Am I Entitled to See Any Documents Relating to a Relative’s Will?

Under English law, a person is allowed to choose who benefits from their estate and how. However, there are certain safeguards – if a person who lacks mental capacity or is subject to undue influence attempts to make a Will , then it can be...

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4 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 03 April 2024
National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage 2024 Increases and Their Impact on the Hospitality and Leisure Sector

National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage 2024 Increases and Their Impact on the Hospitality and Leisure Sector

As of 1 April 2024, the rates of NMW and NLW have increased in accordance with the Low Pay Commission’s recommendations. Notably, the NLW will apply to a lower age group of those aged 21 and over. The right to receive NMW and NLW applies to most...

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Hospitality & Leisure | 02 April 2024
The Danger Of Overlooking Pensions And The Motherhood Penalty

The Danger Of Overlooking Pensions And The Motherhood Penalty

When couples are separating, often their immediate concern will be about where they are going to live rather than thinking about their income in retirement. It is very easy to overlook pensions, as retirement can seem a long way off, and you may be...

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3 minutes reading time
Family Law | 02 April 2024
Pharmacy First

Pharmacy First

4 in 5 people in England can reach a community pharmacy within a 20-minute walk, and over 95% in England have signed up for the new Pharmacy First scheme. The Pharmacy First scheme was launched on 31 January 2024 by the Government and NHS England...

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4 minutes reading time
Life Sciences | 27 March 2024
Lasting Powers Of  Attorney – Change is Coming

Lasting Powers Of Attorney – Change is Coming

Powers of Attorney have been around in some format since the 1970s, evolving from the Powers of Attorney Act 1971, to the Enduring Power of Attorney Act 1985, to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and latterly the Powers of Attorney Act 2023 which...

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4 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 25 March 2024
Employment Discrimination: A Conflict in Cases

Employment Discrimination: A Conflict in Cases

In early 2024, the Employment Tribunal made two notable judgments in the cases of Miller v University of Bristol  and  Omooba v Michael Garrett Associates Ltd (t/a Global Artists) and Leicester Theatre Trust Ltd , both of which centred on topical...

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3 minutes reading time
Employment | 22 March 2024
Introducer Agreements: An Overview of the Key Points to Consider

Introducer Agreements: An Overview of the Key Points to Consider

Introducer agreements are a common type of arrangement used by businesses across a variety of sectors and can play a pivotal part in not only the growth of a business but also in establishing its position in its marketplace. Whether you are a...

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3 minutes reading time
Commercial | 21 March 2024
Manufacturing Acquisitions – Share Purchase Or Asset Purchase?

Manufacturing Acquisitions – Share Purchase Or Asset Purchase?

When acquiring a manufacturing business, it is important to understand the options available to structure the deal. An acquisition will be structured in two ways: a share purchase or an asset purchase. Both will allow you to acquire the target...

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3 minutes reading time
Corporate | 19 March 2024
Are Loan Interest Clauses Fair or Punitive Penalties?

Are Loan Interest Clauses Fair or Punitive Penalties?

Interest clauses in loans serve the fundamental purpose of offering a return to a lender on the capital they make available to a borrower. They also serve a secondary purpose of compensating for the opportunity cost associated with delayed payments...

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4 minutes reading time
Banking | 18 March 2024
Biodiversity Net Gain Is Now in Force. What Does It Mean for You?

Biodiversity Net Gain Is Now in Force. What Does It Mean for You?

In the ongoing battle to harmonise development with conservation, the UK has taken a monumental step forward with the enforcement of Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). As this transformative policy comes into force, accompanied by further...

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4 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 15 March 2024
Do I Have To Share My Inheritance In A Divorce?

Do I Have To Share My Inheritance In A Divorce?

It is well-known that sorting out the finances on divorce can be a complicated and lengthy process. It involves unravelling financial situations created and intertwined over the course of a marriage, which can span decades in some cases. Often, it...

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5 minutes reading time
Family Law | 11 March 2024
Unfair Prejudice Case Spotlight:  Re Cardiff City Football Club (Holdings) Ltd [2022] EWHC 2023 (Ch)

Unfair Prejudice Case Spotlight: Re Cardiff City Football Club (Holdings) Ltd [2022] EWHC 2023 (Ch)

As a minority shareholder, where the actions by the board of directors are unfairly prejudicial towards you, you may be entitled to bring an action under s994 of the Companies Act 2006 ( the Act ) .   In recent cases, the courts have adopted a...

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5 minutes reading time
Dispute Resolution | 08 March 2024
Budget 2024 – No Inheritance Tax Changes but Other Property-Related Tax Amendments

Budget 2024 – No Inheritance Tax Changes but Other Property-Related Tax Amendments

The Chancellor has announced his most recent budget. Our clients have been most concerned about potential changes to the UK Inheritance Tax (IHT). There was no mention of any changes to IHT; however, some tax amendments would affect our clients...

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4 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 07 March 2024
A Guide To Navigating Restrictive Covenants

A Guide To Navigating Restrictive Covenants

Restrictive covenants, as applied to freehold land, are agreements created by a deed that one party will limit the use of its land for the benefit of another party's land, such as by capping the number of buildings which can be built on a site...

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3 minutes reading time
Property Litigation | 05 March 2024
Navigating New Regulations to Combat Economic Crime

Navigating New Regulations to Combat Economic Crime

In a significant step forward in the UK’s fight against economic crime, the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (ECCTA 2023) has introduced milestone changes to the business world. Our blog on Company House Changes provides an...

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3 minutes reading time
Corporate | 01 March 2024
Product Liability – Considerations For Businesses Operating In The Life Sciences Sector

Product Liability – Considerations For Businesses Operating In The Life Sciences Sector

Businesses operating in the life sciences sector , whether they are manufacturing medical products for onward supply or selling medical products to consumers, must ensure that such products are safe and comply with the relevant regulations. In the...

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4 minutes reading time
Life Sciences | 29 February 2024
Hope Remains for the Greater Manchester Hospitality Sector

Hope Remains for the Greater Manchester Hospitality Sector

Despite the cost of living crisis undoubtedly having an effect on both individuals and businesses, hope remains for the hospitality sector in Greater Manchester at the beginning of 2024. A host of new venues have opened both locally in Altrincham...

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2 minutes reading time
Hospitality & Leisure | 27 February 2024
Stranger Danger: Co-Parenting & Associated Risks

Stranger Danger: Co-Parenting & Associated Risks

Co-parenting websites provide a way for individuals to find a platonic partner to have a biological child. These websites are becoming increasingly popular; however, individuals seeking to embark on parenthood using this medium should be alert to...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 26 February 2024
Unwrapping Changes: Important New Holiday Pay Rules Come into Force for Employers

Unwrapping Changes: Important New Holiday Pay Rules Come into Force for Employers

On 1 January 2024, the Government brought into force a raft of major amendments to existing holiday pay regulations. In this article, we set out the key changes employers and HR practitioners need to know. The changes to the Working Time...

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8 minutes reading time
Employment | 23 February 2024
What Could Restrict You From Altering Your Future Home?

What Could Restrict You From Altering Your Future Home?

Unfortunately, many restrictions could limit or even prohibit, alterations to your future home. Before you rush to sign on the dotted line, you should conduct your own due diligence checks with your local authority and ensure that your dream...

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3 minutes reading time
Residential Property | 21 February 2024
Navigating Intellectual Property Litigation: A Guide for UK Manufacturers

Navigating Intellectual Property Litigation: A Guide for UK Manufacturers

Safeguarding intellectual property assets ( IP ) is crucial for manufacturers. This short blog from our Manufacturing Solicitors focuses on different categories of IP, including trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets protection, how and when...

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3 minutes reading time
Manufacturing | 20 February 2024
Top Tips When Renewing Your Commercial Lease

Top Tips When Renewing Your Commercial Lease

When a commercial lease term is close to expiring, the parties can enter into negotiations over the terms of a new lease agreement, which is known as a lease renewal. When renewing a lease, you must first check if the lease is inside or outside of...

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4 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 16 February 2024
Share Buybacks – Common Pitfalls

Share Buybacks – Common Pitfalls

A share buyback is the process a company follows to purchase its own shares back from one or more of the company’s current shareholders. A share buyback process can be utilised by a corporation for a number of purposes, including to: Exit a...

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5 minutes reading time
Corporate | 15 February 2024
What Is The Buildings Societies Act (Amendment) Bill 2023-24?

What Is The Buildings Societies Act (Amendment) Bill 2023-24?

There is much talk in the press of the cost of living and interest rates, particularly the rising mortgage rates and the rate at which the Bank of England’s belated rate rises are to feed through into the real economy and impact many people’s...

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4 minutes reading time
Financial Services | 13 February 2024
Pension vs. The Family Home – Is It Ever a Fair Deal?

Pension vs. The Family Home – Is It Ever a Fair Deal?

When parties go through separation, the number one priority is often housing. The stress of ensuring immediate housing needs are met can often result in parties overlooking the importance of pension assets. When considering finances on separation...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 12 February 2024
New Changes to the Probate Application Process – What Does This Mean for Personal Representatives?

New Changes to the Probate Application Process – What Does This Mean for Personal Representatives?

HMRC have announced changes to the probate application process, which has taken effect as of 17th January 2024. Our Wills, Trusts, and Probate team explore what the issues were with the previous probate application process and what the new process...

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4 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 07 February 2024
Service Charge Disputes: Your Questions Answered

Service Charge Disputes: Your Questions Answered

A service charge is a sum that is paid in relation to maintenance, services and repairs. They are typically found in a lease, where it is agreed that a tenant will pay a landlord (or management company) a service charge to cover the service costs...

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Property Litigation | 06 February 2024
Navigating Nitrate Neutrality: A Crucial Factor in Planning and Development

Navigating Nitrate Neutrality: A Crucial Factor in Planning and Development

Nitrates are produced by various methods, including agricultural discharges, wastewater treatment discharges, and development and construction on land, which disturbs the soil.  When nitrates are released and discharged into neighbouring water, a...

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4 minutes reading time
Agriculture | 05 February 2024
Should I Sublet my Commercial Property Instead of Assigning the Lease?

Should I Sublet my Commercial Property Instead of Assigning the Lease?

A sublease is when a tenant of an existing lease (the “superior lease”) grants another lease below their own. The term of the sublease cannot be longer than the term of the superior lease. A sublease is the same as an underlease. To sublet, you...

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2 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 02 February 2024
The Perfect Storm - Ongoing Struggles for Hospitality and Leisure Businesses

The Perfect Storm - Ongoing Struggles for Hospitality and Leisure Businesses

New data from commercial real estate analysts Altus Group has revealed that pubs across England and Wales are closing at a rate of two per day. With a reported 383 pubs having been either demolished or redeveloped during the first half of 2023, pub...

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7 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 31 January 2024
To Mediate or Litigate? - Choosing the Right Route for Will Disputes

To Mediate or Litigate? - Choosing the Right Route for Will Disputes

Losing a loved one and dealing with grief is never easy. It can be made considerably worse if a family dispute arises as to how a deceased’s estate should be distributed. Disputes can result in expensive and time-consuming court proceedings, which...

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4 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 31 January 2024
Can I Preserve My Family’s Wealth With a Prenuptial Agreement?

Can I Preserve My Family’s Wealth With a Prenuptial Agreement?

If you are contemplating marriage or a civil partnership, entering into a prenuptial agreement is an effective mechanism to ensure your family wealth is ringfenced and preserved. A prenuptial agreement is a transparent contractual agreement which...

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5 minutes reading time
Family Law | 29 January 2024
New Year, New Legislation – What's Changing for Employers in 2024?

New Year, New Legislation – What's Changing for Employers in 2024?

2024 is set to be a busy year for HR and employers , with a raft of changes to existing employment laws coming into effect and a number of new employee rights being introduced. There is also the potential of a general election to consider, which...

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6 minutes reading time
Employment | 26 January 2024
International Data Transfers Final Reminder For Moving Away From The Old EU Standard Contractual Clauses

International Data Transfers Final Reminder For Moving Away From The Old EU Standard Contractual Clauses

By way of a reminder, 22 September 2022 marked the date from which UK businesses could no longer use the old EU standard contractual clauses ( SCCs ) for any new agreements entered into where personal data is transferred outside of the UK to...

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2 minutes reading time
Commercial | 25 January 2024
What Do I Need to Consider When I Am Buying My First Home?

What Do I Need to Consider When I Am Buying My First Home?

At present, this is a crucial question that is at the forefront of many first-time buyers' minds. According to Today's Conveyancer , new registrations for home services, including conveyancing, surveying and removals, were 73% higher in the first...

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4 minutes reading time
Residential Property | 24 January 2024
AI and Manufacturing: Key Considerations for Employers

AI and Manufacturing: Key Considerations for Employers

Artificial Intelligence (“ AI ”) is increasingly being implemented across all sectors, with manufacturing and engineering being no exception. According to a survey conducted by Deloitte in 2020, 93% of companies believe that AI will be a pivotal...

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5 minutes reading time
Manufacturing | 23 January 2024
Financial Provisions for Unmarried Couples: Claims under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989

Financial Provisions for Unmarried Couples: Claims under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989

Schedule 1 to the Children Act can be used to provide financial support for a child where the parents of a child have not been married or civil partners. In these circumstances, the Court does not have the wide powers it has on divorce or the...

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5 minutes reading time
Family Law | 23 January 2024
The UK’s New International Recognition Procedure For Medicines Comes Into Effect

The UK’s New International Recognition Procedure For Medicines Comes Into Effect

Life Science is a global business, and patients across the world benefit from the ability of their national regulatory bodies to recognise the procedures for authorisation of new medicines implemented in other countries. In this article, we briefly...

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3 minutes reading time
Life Sciences | 22 January 2024
Borrowing and the Real Estate Refinancing Gap

Borrowing and the Real Estate Refinancing Gap

The 'refinancing gap' refers to the difference between the amount needed to be borrowed to refinance existing debt and the amount that lenders are willing to lend. This issue has become much more prevalent in the last couple of years due to the...

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4 minutes reading time
Banking | 22 January 2024
 The Power of Green Leases in Real Estate

The Power of Green Leases in Real Estate

In the global pursuit of sustainability, businesses increasingly recognise their crucial role in reducing their environmental footprint. One innovative approach gaining traction in the commercial real estate sector is the adoption of "green...

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3 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 19 January 2024
UK Government Consults on Potential Changes to the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (NSIA)

UK Government Consults on Potential Changes to the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (NSIA)

On 13 November 2023, the UK Government issued  a call for evidence  to gather feedback from stakeholders on potential changes to the NSIA with the view of making it " as pro-business and pro-investment as possible " whilst retaining and refining...

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4 minutes reading time
Corporate | 17 January 2024
What Am I Entitled to if I Divorce My Spouse?

What Am I Entitled to if I Divorce My Spouse?

Financial obligations exist between married couples, which do not end automatically once the divorce process is complete. Accordingly, it is important to consider resolving finances on divorce .  If the parties can reach an agreement between...

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5 minutes reading time
Family Law | 15 January 2024
Is Online Gaming Paving the Way for Children to Gamble

Is Online Gaming Paving the Way for Children to Gamble

Gaming is a lucrative technology industry in the UK. In 2022, the sector grew to a value of £62 million and is expected to have grown again in 2023. Children and young adults comprise a substantial section; earlier this year, Ofcom reported that...

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4 minutes reading time
Technology | 12 January 2024
Hospitality and Leisure Q&A: Altrincham Football Club

Hospitality and Leisure Q&A: Altrincham Football Club

Altrincham Football Club holds a special place in the hearts of local Altrincham residents and football enthusiasts alike. Over the years, Altrincham FC has evolved, embracing a distinct playing style under the stewardship of manager Phil...

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Hospitality & Leisure | 11 January 2024
Battle of the Brands: Delta Air Lines and Marriott Hotel Chain

Battle of the Brands: Delta Air Lines and Marriott Hotel Chain

Amid an ongoing intellectual property dispute between Delta Air Lines and Marriott International, the US airline company has commenced a new claim against Marriott asserting passing off with respect to Marriot’s use of the word ‘Delta’ in...

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Intellectual Property | 11 January 2024
New Year, New Will!

New Year, New Will!

You may wish to make it one of your New Years resolutions to make a Will or review your current Will, particularly if your circumstances have changed. For example, if you have recently married and made a Will before the marriage, your Will may no...

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3 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 10 January 2024
Commercial Agency Update: Implications of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023

Commercial Agency Update: Implications of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023

In May 2023, the UK Government changed its plan to revoke all EU-derived laws, which would have included the  Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993  (the  Regulations ). The Retained EU Law Bill prescribed a targeted list of 600...

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Commercial Agency | 09 January 2024
Looking Ahead: 2024 Real Estate Considerations

Looking Ahead: 2024 Real Estate Considerations

As we welcome the new year, we are set for a busy twelve months ahead in the real estate industry. The following article from our Property Litigation experts addresses several considerations and predictions for the property sector in 2024.

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3 minutes reading time
Property Litigation | 09 January 2024
How Can My Spouse Be Provided for Without Causing Damage to the Farming Enterprise?

How Can My Spouse Be Provided for Without Causing Damage to the Farming Enterprise?

The division of a farm on divorce can be a highly complex and sensitive matter. The court is often faced with a dilemma in weighing up the need to provide for the non-farming spouse fairly on divorce whilst preventing irreversible damage to the...

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4 minutes reading time
Agriculture | 08 January 2024
Navigating the Commercial Lease Exit: A Tenant's Guide

Navigating the Commercial Lease Exit: A Tenant's Guide

Some commercial tenants find that they no longer require a lease of the property they are renting due to expense or business needs. In many leases, there are express provisions governing a tenant’s potential right to exit a lease or transfer their...

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3 minutes reading time
Commercial Property | 05 January 2024
Hospitality and Leisure – A Battle of the Forms

Hospitality and Leisure – A Battle of the Forms

The backbone of most hospitality and leisure businesses is the legion of suppliers and contractors working away in the background to keep things running smoothly. With the volume of contractual agreements in place with different contractors and...

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3 minutes reading time
Hospitality & Leisure | 03 January 2024
How To Start Divorce Proceedings

How To Start Divorce Proceedings

Making the decision to get a divorce can be a particularly emotional and stressful time in someone’s life. However, the process of getting a divorce does not need to be complicated, especially with the use of the services of a specialist family...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 02 January 2024
Aretha Franklin's Will – Were Her Wishes r-e-s-p-e-c-t-ed?

Aretha Franklin's Will – Were Her Wishes r-e-s-p-e-c-t-ed?

The death of Aretha Franklin in 2018 left a void in the music world, but it also sparked a legal saga that highlighted the complexities of inheritance law and the importance of having a properly executed Will. After her passing, two handwritten...

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5 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 02 January 2024
Gambling Adverts in Football: Play Your Cards Right

Gambling Adverts in Football: Play Your Cards Right

It was revealed last month that three posts on Twitter by Betfred, which featured global boxing phenomenon Anthony Joshua, had been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority ( ASA ) following an investigation by the regulator. This decision was...

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5 minutes reading time
Commercial | 21 December 2023
Septic Tanks - All You Need to Know

Septic Tanks - All You Need to Know

Put simply, a septic tank is a chamber that is buried underground and stores your wastewater.  They are commonly found in rural areas where properties are not connected to the main sewage grid. There are specific regulations in place to ensure that...

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4 minutes reading time
Residential Property | 20 December 2023
DIY Divorce: The Cost & Process of Divorcing Without a Solicitor

DIY Divorce: The Cost & Process of Divorcing Without a Solicitor

Changes to the procedure for applying for a divorce in England and Wales mean that all divorces are now applied for online, and as a result, more people are starting to apply for their divorces, often to try and circumvent the legal fees of...

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3 minutes reading time
Family Law | 19 December 2023
Retail Landlords and Tenants – Top Tips for the Festive Period

Retail Landlords and Tenants – Top Tips for the Festive Period

The festive season is typically a peak selling season for retailers, and with the challenges facing the High Street, many will be taking every opportunity to maximise their revenue this Christmas. Property owners and occupiers should consider their...

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Commercial Property | 15 December 2023
Private Equity (PE) Transactions: A Brief Overview 2023

Private Equity (PE) Transactions: A Brief Overview 2023

This blog from our Corporate Team provides an overview of transactions with a Private Equity house and considerations for both an investor and the target company. Private equity can be used for raising working capital but also, more commonly, to...

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4 minutes reading time
Corporate | 15 December 2023
Navigating the Investment Business Compensation Scheme

Navigating the Investment Business Compensation Scheme

It is well established that the primary avenue of claim if you suffer financial loss because of poor advice received from a professional is one of professional negligence .  It is possible to bring a claim against someone you have paid to provide...

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3 minutes reading time
Financial Services | 12 December 2023
Government Announces £2 Billion of Funding for Engineering Biology

Government Announces £2 Billion of Funding for Engineering Biology

On 5 December, the UK Government revealed its new £2bn 'vision'  to be rolled out over the next decade, aimed at harnessing the enormous potential of engineering biology to revolutionise how the UK grows food, develops medicines and produces fuel...

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4 minutes reading time
Life Sciences | 12 December 2023
Divorce Considerations Around Christmas Time

Divorce Considerations Around Christmas Time

For many separating couples, deciding to apply for a divorce is not an easy step, and our Family lawyers understand that Christmas can be a difficult time if you are considering separating.  How do you initiate a divorce? The introduction of...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 11 December 2023
Game Changer: How Tech is Changing the Game of Football

Game Changer: How Tech is Changing the Game of Football

Over recent years, we have witnessed a flurry of technological innovations being introduced in professional football in an attempt to gain advantages both on the pitch (i.e., improve athletic performance) and off the pitch (i.e., improving fan...

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5 minutes reading time
Technology | 08 December 2023
Enforcing a Money Judgment by Taking Control of Goods

Enforcing a Money Judgment by Taking Control of Goods

In our previous blog , we provided a summary of enforcement options once a judgment is obtained from the court. In our next series of business debt recovery blogs, our dispute resolution solicitors will provide more information about these...

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6 minutes reading time
Dispute Resolution | 07 December 2023
Lasting Powers of Attorney – Change is Coming

Lasting Powers of Attorney – Change is Coming

On 18 September 2023, the Powers of Attorney Act received Royal Assent, having been introduced in 2022 and passed through Parliament unopposed. The Act paves the way for changes to how Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) are made and registered in...

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4 minutes reading time
Wills, Trusts and Probate | 06 December 2023
King’s Speech 2023: Real Estate Update

King’s Speech 2023: Real Estate Update

We have previously discussed  the King’s Speech with regard to its proposal to introduce an independent football regulator. Under the tagline 'strengthening society’, the King's Speech 2023  also outlined two landmark bills introducing fundamental...

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Property Litigation | 05 December 2023
Can I Travel with My Kids at Christmas Without the Other Parent's Consent, or Is It Abduction?

Can I Travel with My Kids at Christmas Without the Other Parent's Consent, or Is It Abduction?

You may be planning to take your children away over the Christmas period to visit friends and family who do not live close by or to have a festive holiday. If this is your plan, you need to be aware of the legal requirements in relation to...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 04 December 2023
Common Misconceptions About Varying a Commercial Lease

Common Misconceptions About Varying a Commercial Lease

Landlords and tenants often agree to “extend” or “add on” some additional floor space to an existing lease during the term of an existing lease. It is a common misconception that such changes might be achieved by varying the lease and documented in...

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Commercial Property | 01 December 2023
Tech Round-Up: November 2023

Tech Round-Up: November 2023

Welcome to our Tech round-up, where we provide a snapshot of the latest legal-tech-related news. Our round-up covers topics such as the AI Safety Summit, Self-Driving Vehicles, the Autumn Statement and much more.   AI Safety Summit The UK held the...

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IT / Technology | 30 November 2023