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International Child Law Solicitors

International Child Law covers various topics, including child relocation, international surrogacy, and international child abduction.

At Myerson, we provide expert legal advice and support for parents navigating these complex matters, ensuring that you are fully informed about the legal implications and steps required for child relocation and surrogacy arrangements and acting for the respondent in international child abduction cases.

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Child Relocation

A parent with a child arrangements order naming them as the parent with whom the child lives with can take the child out of the country for up to 28 days without the other parent's consent.

If there is no child arrangements order in place, or if the order only names the parent as the person with whom the child spends time with, then permission from everyone with parental responsibility is required or, failing that, consent of the court.

If you do not obtain the necessary permission, then you could be liable for committing an offence of child abduction. You must obtain legal advice before travelling abroad.

Can I move to live abroad with the child?

If one parent wishes to relocate with a child abroad and the parents cannot agree, a court application will be needed. This is known as a leave to remove or relocation application.

These are very difficult applications both to make and defend given the high emotions at stake. If you intend to make a relocation application, it is important that you think through all the practicalities of what life will be like in the new country for you and the child.

A parent who wishes to relocate with their child must put together detailed proposals for the court to consider. The court will want to know your plans including the following:

  • Child’s best interest: are the proposals to move in the child’s best interest and why?
  • Reasons for relocating:  is there a genuine reason for the move, or is it a move designed to thwart contact arrangements between the child and the other parent? What are the parents’ motivations?
  • Child’s education: proposals for the child’s education, including details of the proposed school, its facilities, whether they have space available and whether proper enquiries have been made at the selected school.
  • Accommodation: proposals about the accommodation selected, with photographs and details about the surrounding locality. Distance to school and other amenities need to be considered.
  • Location: if relocating abroad, a description about the foreign country, an analysis of any cultural differences in existence and the impact this might have on the child.
  • Flights: practical information about flight schedules and flight costs and proposals for who pays for flights. This is one example that goes to explaining how the relationship with the other parent will be promoted.
  • Parental contact: how the parent ensures the child maintains a relationship with the other parent outside of contact time. Will they promote indirect contact on a regular basis? For example, by Skype, FaceTime, Facebook, telephone, or email?
  • Impact of relocation: how will the proposals affect the child and the absent parent? Clearly, the more contact a child has prior to the move, the greater the impact upon the child. How will the parent address this?
  • Risk of refusal or distress: if the court refused the application, how would this impact upon the parent who wishes to move? If that parent were to be extremely distressed at the prospect of a refusal, which would lead to him/her being isolated and having no support network, for example, this might have a detrimental impact upon the child.

When the court considers an application to relocate, its primary concern is the welfare of the child. The court will consider a statutory checklist known as the welfare checklist.

The court may ask the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) to speak to the parents and possibly the children (depending on their ages) to prepare a report making a recommendation to the court.

The court will consider how permission or refusal to relocate will affect the parents and the children. The court will consider the parent's plans and whether the wish to relocate and opposition is genuine.

The court will consider the interests of the parents but if it is not possible to accommodate everyone’s wishes, the best interest of the child will dictate the outcome.

Can I move to a different part of the UK with the child?

Technically there are no restrictions on either parent to prevent them from relocating to another area in the UK.

However, if this would result in a change to the child arrangements or require the child to be enrolled in a new school then you will need the other parents’ consent.

If such consent is not forthcoming, you will need to apply for a specific issue order for the court to determine whether you can relocate to another part of the country with your child. 

The court must apply the same principles to internal relocation cases as to external relocation cases and the welfare of the child will be the courts paramount consideration.

How can I object to a proposed relocation?

If you disagree with a proposed move, then you must move quickly and apply for a prohibited steps order pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989. You must consider the reverse of the points listed above to argue why it would not be in the child’s best interest to relocate.

If your former spouse or partner has made an application to relocate with your children to another country or a different part of the UK, you will need to explain to the court why you do not agree.

The court will want to hear about the following:

  • The current contact arrangements and how these will be impacted.
  • Your concerns about how contact will work if the children move and any practical difficulties’.
  • Any concerns you have about the proposed relocation and plans.
  • The wishes of the children as far as you are aware.
  • The impact the proposed move will have on you.

Parental consent for holiday travel

If you fall within one of the two categories stated above, and need to obtain the other parents’ consent to take your child on holiday, the Myerson family team can assist by writing to the other parent to obtain the necessary consent and complete the required deed.

The deed must be signed by both parents which will then stand as evidence to provide at border control of the other parents’ consent.

International Surrogacy

International surrogacy involves individuals or couples from one country seeking a surrogate in another country.

It is important to obtain specialised legal advice before considering international surrogacy. This is because international surrogacy laws are complex and vary from country to country.

In some international countries, surrogacy arrangements are legal, meaning that the child’s birth certificate will name you as the legal parent (in that country).

It is important to seek advice on Parental Orders to ensure you are the recognised legal parent under English Law.

Consideration must also be given as to how you can bring your child born via international surrogate back to the UK.

If you have any questions in relation to international surrogacy, please do not hesitate to give one of our family solicitors a call.

Contact Our International Surrogacy Lawyers

International Child Abduction

International child abduction is where a child is removed from one country and taken to another country without the permission of the relevant parties or the court.

The Hague Convention is the main body of law that governs international child abduction. The Hague Child Abduction Convention applies between 96 countries and the Netherlands. If a country is not signatory to the Hauge Convention, different rules apply.

If you are concerned that your child has been abducted internationally, the International Child Abduction and Contact Unit (ICACU) must be contacted without delay. 

At Myerson we can act for the respondent in abduction cases.

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Why Work With Our Family Team?

  • Our specialist family law solicitors are experts in complex, high-value divorce, and family disputes.
  • Our family law solicitors are recognised by the Legal 500. 
  • Our family team are all members of Resolution, the largest organisation of family lawyers in the UK, and are dedicated to dealing with matters in a non-confrontational and constructive way.
  • Our team were shortlisted for the family law firm of the year (North) and financial remedies team of the year (National) at the Lexis Nexis Family Law Awards 2022.
  • Our team work closely with other departments internally, including property, employment, corporate and commercial lawyers, to ensure that your financial needs are protected comprehensively.
  • We provide a partner-led service to ensure you receive the very best legal advice and support for your family law issues.
  • We have a large team of expert solicitors and can meet your deadlines.
  • We are a full-service law firm operating from a one-site office, which means our teams communicate effectively and efficiently.
  • We use the latest technology to ensure that we are working as efficiently. Geographical distance is no bar to us from providing excellent client service.
  • We provide regular legal updates via our blogs, social media and local radio appearances.
  • Look at the Myerson Promise for further benefits of working with us here.

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Meet Our Family Solicitors

Home-grown or recruited from national, regional or City firms. Our family lawyers are experts in their fields and respected by their peers.

Jane T final

Jane Tenquist

Jane is a Partner and Head of the Family Law Team

Nichola final

Nichola Bright

Nichola is a Partner in our Family Law Team

Sarah W

Sarah Whitelegge

Sarah is a Senior Associate in our Family Law Team


Grace Parry

Grace is an Associate in our Family Law Team

Joe Ferguson

Joe Ferguson

Joe is an Associate in our Family Team.


Pam Ackerley

Pam is a Senior Legal PA in our Family Law Team

Katie Barlett v2

Katie Bartley

Katie is a Trainee Solicitor in our Family Team.

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