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Succession Planning - The Pre-Exit Stage

Succession Planning - The Pre-Exit Stage

Our expert Wealth team will focus on the key areas of the pre-exit stage and will be joined by guest speakers from financial planning specialists Equilibrium and from audit, tax and consulting experts RSM . Date: Thursday 11th July Time: From...

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What Can I Do If My Ex Stops Me Seeing My Child?

What Can I Do If My Ex Stops Me Seeing My Child?

If you have separated or are in the process of separating, we understand that one of the hardest things is not seeing your child every day. Knowing your rights regarding contact and what to do if either or both of you cannot reach an agreement...

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4 minutes reading time
Family Law | 30 June 2024
Myerson Magazine Summer 2024 Issue

Myerson Magazine Summer 2024 Issue

Explore a wealth of insights and legal expertise within the pages of our latest Magazine. In this edition, you can also take advantage of our exclusive Myerson discount for 'The Brit Fest' tickets! Articles in this issue include… Wills, Trusts...

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10 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 22 June 2024
10 Steps to Take When Leaving a Relationship

10 Steps to Take When Leaving a Relationship

Our Family Solicitors appreciate that separation can be a highly traumatic, emotional, and stressful time. It is important to take control of the situation and seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity. In this blog, we set out the main...

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Family Law | 03 June 2024
Expansion of Family-Friendly Rights: A Closer Look

Expansion of Family-Friendly Rights: A Closer Look

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of family-friendly practices in the workplace to better support working parents and caregivers. As a result, several legislative changes were introduced in April this year to...

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Family Law | 24 May 2024
A Guide to Prenuptial Agreements

A Guide to Prenuptial Agreements

A prenup is a legal agreement  made  between two individuals before they marry or enter  into  a civil partnership.   The agreement itself can set out a variety of provisions as to how the couple intend to divide their assets in the event of any...

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6 minutes reading time
Family Law | 26 April 2024
What is Domestic Abuse, And Does it Include Financial Abuse?

What is Domestic Abuse, And Does it Include Financial Abuse?

Domestic abuse is defined as an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour. It can take many different forms, such as coercive control, psychological or emotional abuse, physical abuse...

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Family Law | 15 April 2024
The Danger Of Overlooking Pensions And The Motherhood Penalty

The Danger Of Overlooking Pensions And The Motherhood Penalty

When couples are separating, often their immediate concern will be about where they are going to live rather than thinking about their income in retirement. It is very easy to overlook pensions, as retirement can seem a long way off, and you may be...

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Family Law | 02 April 2024
Myerson Magazine Spring 2024 Issue

Myerson Magazine Spring 2024 Issue

Discover a wealth of insights and legal expertise within the pages of the Myerson Magazine. We're also bringing you an interview with Kim Wilde, one of the headliners of The Brit Fest Festival. In this issue… Employment: Can I be made redundant...

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10 minutes reading time
Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 22 March 2024
Do I Have To Share My Inheritance In A Divorce?

Do I Have To Share My Inheritance In A Divorce?

It is well-known that sorting out the finances on divorce can be a complicated and lengthy process. It involves unravelling financial situations created and intertwined over the course of a marriage, which can span decades in some cases. Often, it...

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Family Law | 11 March 2024
Stranger Danger: Co-Parenting & Associated Risks

Stranger Danger: Co-Parenting & Associated Risks

Co-parenting websites provide a way for individuals to find a platonic partner to have a biological child. These websites are becoming increasingly popular; however, individuals seeking to embark on parenthood using this medium should be alert to...

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Family Law | 26 February 2024
Pension vs. The Family Home – Is It Ever a Fair Deal?

Pension vs. The Family Home – Is It Ever a Fair Deal?

When parties go through separation, the number one priority is often housing. The stress of ensuring immediate housing needs are met can often result in parties overlooking the importance of pension assets. When considering finances on separation...

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Family Law | 12 February 2024
Can I Preserve My Family’s Wealth With a Prenuptial Agreement?

Can I Preserve My Family’s Wealth With a Prenuptial Agreement?

If you are contemplating marriage or a civil partnership, entering into a prenuptial agreement is an effective mechanism to ensure your family wealth is ringfenced and preserved. A prenuptial agreement is a transparent contractual agreement which...

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Family Law | 29 January 2024
Financial Provisions for Unmarried Couples: Claims under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989

Financial Provisions for Unmarried Couples: Claims under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989

Schedule 1 to the Children Act can be used to provide financial support for a child where the parents of a child have not been married or civil partners. In these circumstances, the Court does not have the wide powers it has on divorce or the...

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Family Law | 23 January 2024
What Am I Entitled to if I Divorce My Spouse?

What Am I Entitled to if I Divorce My Spouse?

Financial obligations exist between married couples, which do not end automatically once the divorce process is complete. Accordingly, it is important to consider resolving finances on divorce .  If the parties can reach an agreement between...

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Family Law | 15 January 2024
How Can My Spouse Be Provided for Without Causing Damage to the Farming Enterprise?

How Can My Spouse Be Provided for Without Causing Damage to the Farming Enterprise?

The division of a farm on divorce can be a highly complex and sensitive matter. The court is often faced with a dilemma in weighing up the need to provide for the non-farming spouse fairly on divorce whilst preventing irreversible damage to the...

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Agriculture | 08 January 2024
Starting Divorce Proceedings: What Is Required?

Starting Divorce Proceedings: What Is Required?

Making the decision to get a divorce can be a particularly emotional and stressful time in someone’s life. However, the process of getting a divorce does not need to be complicated, especially with the use of the services of a specialist family...

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Family Law | 02 January 2024
DIY Divorce: The Cost & Process of Divorcing Without a Solicitor

DIY Divorce: The Cost & Process of Divorcing Without a Solicitor

Changes to the procedure for applying for a divorce in England and Wales mean that all divorces are now applied for online, and as a result, more people are starting to apply for their divorces, often to try and circumvent the legal fees of...

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Family Law | 19 December 2023
Divorce Considerations Around Christmas Time

Divorce Considerations Around Christmas Time

For many separating couples, deciding to apply for a divorce is not an easy step, and our Family lawyers understand that Christmas can be a difficult time if you are considering separating.  How do you initiate a divorce? The introduction of...

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Family Law | 11 December 2023
Can I Travel with My Kids at Christmas Without the Other Parent's Consent, or Is It Abduction?

Can I Travel with My Kids at Christmas Without the Other Parent's Consent, or Is It Abduction?

You may be planning to take your children away over the Christmas period to visit friends and family who do not live close by or to have a festive holiday. If this is your plan, you need to be aware of the legal requirements in relation to...

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Family Law | 04 December 2023
Resolution Awareness Week: Mythbusting Common Law Marriage

Resolution Awareness Week: Mythbusting Common Law Marriage

Resolution is a group of family law professionals who are committed to promoting a constructive approach to family issues that consider the needs of the whole family. The annual Resolution Awareness Week takes place in the last week of November...

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Family Law | 27 November 2023
I Can’t See My Children at Christmas – What Should I Do?

I Can’t See My Children at Christmas – What Should I Do?

The festive period is a time for families to come together. However, child contact arrangements over Christmas can be difficult to navigate for parents who have separated, particularly in reaching an agreement as to who spends time with the...

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Family Law | 13 November 2023
Debunking the Spousal Maintenance Myth: A Clearer Perspective

Debunking the Spousal Maintenance Myth: A Clearer Perspective

There is a popular misconception that the payer needs to pay spousal maintenance pursuant to a joint lives order until the death, remarriage or cohabitation of his or her ex-spouse. Historically, joint lives orders were made to protect the...

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Family Law | 30 October 2023
Myerson Magazine Autumn 2023 Issue

Myerson Magazine Autumn 2023 Issue

Our magazine covers a wide range of private client topics such as terms of employment contracts, common mistakes when divorcing, the residential property market and inhabitation of family home after death.

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Contentious Probate & Will Disputes | 18 October 2023
How Do The Courts Regard Personal Injury Compensation When Distributing Assets of the Marriage?

How Do The Courts Regard Personal Injury Compensation When Distributing Assets of the Marriage?

The Court will consider a list of factors under section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 when deciding how assets, including any compensation/ damages received, will be decided on divorce. The welfare of any children of the family will be a...

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Family Law | 16 October 2023
I Don't Live in England or Wales. Can I Apply for a Divorce There?

I Don't Live in England or Wales. Can I Apply for a Divorce There?

The jurisdiction where your divorce takes place can substantially impact your financial settlement. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules for resolving finances on divorce, and you may end up with vastly different outcomes depending on where...

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Family Law | 02 October 2023
Inheritance and Divorce – Is Inheritance Included in a Divorce Settlement?

Inheritance and Divorce – Is Inheritance Included in a Divorce Settlement?

Upon divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership , both parties will usually have a strong claim to share all matrimonial property. Ordinarily, matrimonial assets (assets acquired throughout a marriage or civil partnership) are considered by the...

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Family Law | 18 September 2023
Myerson Family Team Shortlisted for Family Law Firm of the Year North 2023

Myerson Family Team Shortlisted for Family Law Firm of the Year North 2023

Myerson Solicitors is delighted to share that, for the second consecutive year, our Family team has been shortlisted for the esteemed "Family Law Firm of the Year North" accolade at the Lexis Nexis UK Family Law Awards 2023. This back-to-back...

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Family Law | 11 September 2023
The Importance of Obtaining a Clean Break Order

The Importance of Obtaining a Clean Break Order

A clean break is a type of financial settlement that dismisses any future claims parties may make against the other. It is a court order that legally cuts financial ties between you and your former partner. The effect of a clean break order is to...

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Family Law | 04 September 2023
Can I Ask My Future Spouse to Sign a Prenup?

Can I Ask My Future Spouse to Sign a Prenup?

Couples planning to marry or enter a civil partnership may want an agreement to determine what they intend to happen to their money and property if the marriage breaks down. In England and Wales, prenuptial agreements are not strictly binding in...

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Family Law | 22 August 2023
Agricultural Divorces: A Field of Their Own

Agricultural Divorces: A Field of Their Own

Agricultural divorces are often complex and require expert attention. Some farms are very successful enterprises: they may comprise valuable properties and land holdings, machinery and stock. The farm may have diversified into several areas, each...

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Agriculture | 15 August 2023
Can a Maintenance Order be Varied?

Can a Maintenance Order be Varied?

A spousal maintenance order, also known as a periodical payments order, is an obligation for one party to pay the other a sum of money on a weekly or monthly basis. If the court grants a spousal maintenance order, it will need to determine whether...

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Family Law | 07 August 2023
Can I Move Abroad With My Child?

Can I Move Abroad With My Child?

There are many reasons why people want to move abroad. It may be reasons associated with family , friends, culture, work, or personal preference. There are several logistical factors to consider when moving abroad. One of the most difficult...

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Family Law | 24 July 2023
What Will a Narcissist Do When You Divorce Them?

What Will a Narcissist Do When You Divorce Them?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is defined in the dictionary as "a person with an excessive interest in themselves". It can generally be characterised by an inflated feeling of self-importance and the desire to be acknowledged for achievements...

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Family Law | 10 July 2023
Understanding Family Law and Expert Valuations: Insights from Legal and Financial Experts

Understanding Family Law and Expert Valuations: Insights from Legal and Financial Experts

UK200Group Forensic Accounting & Family Law Webinar, 22 June 2023.  With speaker: Jane Tenquist (Myerson Solicitors) & chaired by Andrew Donaldson (Dains Accountants). Family law cases often involve complex financial matters, including the...

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Family Law | 04 July 2023
How are Personal Possessions Dealt with on Divorce?

How are Personal Possessions Dealt with on Divorce?

Divorce is undoubtedly a very stressful time for couples. During the marriage, spouses will have accrued valuable personal possessions, whether purchased jointly, individually, or obtained as a gift, for example, a special piece of jewellery...

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Family Law | 26 June 2023
Businesses on Divorce: Getting Divorced When You Work With Your Husband or Wife

Businesses on Divorce: Getting Divorced When You Work With Your Husband or Wife

If you work at your spouse's company, you may be considered an employee, and you may have employment rights. It is important to remember that employee status and employment law rights apply to spouses employed in a family business, regardless of...

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Family Law | 12 June 2023